Help w/ Regimen


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Hi guys. Can you please give me some constructive criticism and help w/ my new regimen that i will begin soon.

I am 20 years old Norwood 1- 1.5, post minoxidal. DIFFUSE THINNER. minoxidil worked fairly well for me but i couldn't see myself using it the rest of my life, and it has almost destroyed my hair after stopping its use.

I have 3 bottles of revivogen sitting around. I will shave my head in about 2 weeks time and start my new regimen

1) Folligen lotion or spray still not sure which one i should use
2) Prior to the folligen application, a nice massage with emu oil
3) Revivogen
4) Nizoral shampoo
5) Some sort of Nano shampoo (Growth stimulating shampoo) Though i'm very hesitant to try out any "minoxidil containing products" of fear of losing excessive hair after stopping its use.

-also i can't recall clearly but is it ok to use topical zinc containing products (Revivogen) with topical Copper containing products (Folligen). I heard somewhere that they together induce competitive inhibition? If they are safe, which one should be applied first?

Further to that do any of you guys know of any way of maintaining a health bald scalp.

1) what shaving products are "good" for my head
2) what are the effects of exposure/ over-exposure to the sun...

I look forward to hearing from you guys. Sorry for the long post and Once again i aprreciate all your help in advance and keep fighting the good fight. 8)


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Any help with any part of the question is gretaly appreciated.

Basically i'm going for an "all natural" regimen, one with no side effects and as least chemicals as possible. Maintenance is ok with me, but i would obviously prefer some regrowth, even though i know its a very slim chance with that regimen.

THanks guys


Re: ..

Biostudent said:
Basically i'm going for an "all natural" regimen, one with no side effects and as least chemicals as possible.

There is no such thing as a drug without side effects, natural or otherwise.

If Saw Palmetto is used to modulate prostate size in patients with BHP then hair growth or reduced libido would be considered a side effect.

If Saw Palmetto is used to induce hair growth in patients with male pattern baldness then prostate size modulation or reduced libido would be considered the side effect.

by the way I do not consider Saw Palmetto to be a viable hair growth agent