
Colonel mustard

New Member
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Guys, had trouble with minoxidil so i had to stop using it, however it left my scalp in a sh*t way (itchey and hurts). At this moment in time im using finasteride, i keep hearing how vital it is to use nizoral, problem is when im rotating with the nizoral it sets of the itching and it harsh to the scalp. i rotate nizoral with a baby shampoo which is gentle to my scalp, problem starts when i rotate with nizoral-i also use aloe vera to help calm it down, but i still hurts and itches. Any advce please, should i just stick to one shampoo so my scalp can tolerate it? if so which one? All the best


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Listen to your body

If the Nizoral is hurting that bad, I doubt it is helping. I can't you it either for the reasons you listed.

Try T/GEL. It works well. Maybe not as well as Nizoral, but relatively for you, it probably works better. Get the "Stubborn itch control".