Herbal Extracts for Hair Loss


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To cause it or prevent it. I'm joking. :) That sir is the multi-million dollar question. To date I cannot recommend in good conscience, one herbal based product that I've experimented with that ever personally produced any benefits for me. Now in all fairness I am referring strictly to unseen visible progress. I'ld be lying to write them off absolutely insofar that my biggest error at the time of herbal experimentation was to focus on regrowth/reversal versus maintenance potentiality. I am sorry I am no help. Please do your own research and cross checks before allowing another screw ball to take you for a ride that leads you over the burn of despair and into the embankment of financial bovine defecation. Merely my present thoughts on the subject. If you should happen to find success in the future then I would certainly appreciate your testimony. Good Luck and all the best.


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I prefer natural agents over harsh man made chemicals and tea tree oil is touted to be a mild ant-fungal and ant-inflammatory. I have use it regularly in hopes of reducing my seb. dermatitis, but sadly with little success. I'm glad to hear that others have made progress using it. I have severe and chronic outbreaks so I'm sure it's because I need a more potent treatment. So far Nizoral 2% has been most effective for me to control this condition.


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You may believe me or not, but a good product for scalp is Spectral DNC-L.(i inist on the -L, not normal Spectral).
Scalp is very healthy after applying it, contrary to applying normal minoxidil, which usually results in irritation of the scalp.
I also think it is better than normal Spectral at treating hair.
Anyway, this is just from my experience, i see Spectral products are bashed on this forum.
It's true that it's more expensive than normal minoxidil, but it's not liquid, it's a more creamy yellow lotion, and with 2 uses/day, i have one bottle for 3 months, and it will empty after 1+ more month.


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I'll seriously look into that as an alternative. Is it very costly? Thanx for sharing.


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In my country it is a bit expensive(like 50 dollars a bottle), but i see in USA on Ebay or Amazon it's cheaper, like 20-30 dollars.