Herbal products effectiveness?


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I've heard about a number of different vitamin and herbal stacks recommended regarding hair loss treatment. Do you think this would be effective or just "snake oil" treatments.


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All herbal products/natural products fall into the category of snake oil or almost useless, at best maybe 1 or 2 do something but are too weak to work for a good majority of people

Donny J

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the most famous of those are probably saw palmetto. i've also heard of ginkgo, ginseng, pumpkin seed, & also just read about nettle root today... as zzzzz says, none of them have been proven to do much, and i'm yet to come across anybody on these boards swearing by the effectiveness of them. that being said, i do know that a lot of people use them in addition to other solutions (myself included -- i've been taking a 'finest nutrition' multi that has saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil & zinc, which i started taking after getting off of finasteride).

if you want to use these solely and then report back to us in 5-6 months with before/after photos, then that'd be solid! :)
else, will it hurt to add it to your regimen? no. will you greatly benefit from them? likely not, but who knows for certain.


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Thanks for your replies. I would be looking at using these products in addition to a more proven regimen. Not as a sole treatment. If I even bother with them at all.


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It appears to me that the extract of liquorice (glycyrrhizic acid) is a strong anti-androgen; one could possibly use instead of RU for it is a lot cheaper. Not sure if the potassium salt thereof is effective, since it is available in its pure form and also water soluble and therefore easy to handle. Also there is chaparall (larrea tridentata) extract (NDGA), a CRTH2 antagonist.


Herbal products do not do much. I was on some 8-10 supplements and it did help to a small extent but when you have effective pharmaceuticals like finasteride, why hog pills all day and then there are issues of bio-availability. I went to a Doctor yday for some finasteride but apparently will have to wait till end of August to get an appointment with a dermatologist and even then i am not sure if they will prescribe me finasteride. I just ordered saw palmetto, beta S and PSO and i will see how it goes. Nothing else.


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YES. But only in conjunction with one of the big 3. Saw Palmetto also while using finasteride or dutasteride or spironolactone oral anti androgenic type drugs. Also MSM. Gelatin. All of these you can try to take 4 hours your finasteride or dutasteride or spironolactone. Say take a lower dose of those then add one or some of these. Also b and biotin vits and eat an antiflammatory diet will also help. But online IN CONJUNCTION WITH one of the big 3.
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there had been some research on red hot peppers, but eating that too much, you might need some wet wipes instead of minoxidil.


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Saw palmetto have helped slowing down my hair loss, i have been taking it for 2 months and it seems to be working, give it a try you dont have much to lose if you keep using your other pharmaceutical treatment


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Herbal products are completely useless as hair loss treatments. The only natural product that I'm aware of that may perhaps do something is Saw Palmetto, but even that is very debatable, and most evidence suggests that Saw Palmetto doesn't help to any significant extent. You need to get on finasteride/dutasteride if you really do want to treat your hair loss properly and effectively.