Herbs, supplements and other methods for helping libido/erectile dysfunction

Quantum Cat

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Libido/erectile dysfunction help - herbs, supplements, etc

since low libido issues, erectile dysfunction, loss of pleasure and semen problems are fairly common among people using Finasteride or Dutasteride, perhaps we should have a thread on suggestions on how to combat these.

I hear a lot about Ginseng and Gingko, and I'm about to add these to my regimen (as a bonus they also help tiredness/lethargy)

Zinc is supposed to be a libido enhancer

Yohimbe is said to be an aphrodisiac

then obviously there's v**** and similar drugs

and mussels are an aphrodisiac, but I personally don't like them


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very good thread!
I hope to hear from a few pple regarding this VERY important issue for most of us.
I have been off finasteride for the last 2 weeks and my erections/ morning woods have increased sooo much and makes me realise how much finasteride really does effect me eventhough I have been on it for years and never seemed to think i had not experienced much of its known side effects.

I have these caps that i use for gym every so often and they're similar to horny got weed and they do help.

Apart from the obvious drugs out there (v****...) i would be curious to hear from pple who use herbal supplements as an alternative???


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L-Arginin. this stuff works but expect no wonders.


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Just bumping this rather than starting a new thread. I've worked in the fitness industry for many years where there's a lot of BS regarding supplements. I know what's broscience and what's not. Examine.com's recently released Supplement Goals Reference Guide is a trustworthy resource listing all the supplements which have actual scientific backing for specific goals. The ones with a noteworthy effect on male libido are as follows

- L-Citrulline (the same as L-arginine but better) - 3000mg per day
- Maca - 3000mg per day
- Testofen ( an extract of Fenugreek. Don't use regular Fenugreek) 600mg per day
- Tribullus Terrestris - given a 60% saponin extract, 200-450mg per day

I started taking Finasteride recently and noticed a sharp decrease in my libido. I'm going to start supplementing with these as soon as possible. Looking to order them now. It's noted that some of these increase libido whilst not altering T or DHT levels,ie. They work through non-hormonal mechanisms.

Horny Goat Weed has shown positive effects too but the studies weren't proper clinical studies so it's not included in Examine.com's recommended list.