Hello I have been monitoring avodart and shedding forums for quite some time and here is my problem with each. Everyone seems to have different feelings and science relating to avodart and I am finally after quite some time of experimenting and researching ready to end the debate. First and foremost the conclusion to frontal thinning and non regrowth when you take a powerful drug such as Avodart; of course your body is going to react differently then others who have posted success and failure. Some are able to recover from such a tremondous schock while others in there opinion have failure of no regrowth when both are both succcessful. How can one say that no regrowth is successful???? It's simple the hairs that were lost due to Avodart may never come back however, the ones that are saved have no risk I repeat no risk of minitaurizing due to the fact that your body has adapted to the sudden hormonal changes and will only continue to benefit. My first 6 months of Avodart I had tremendous frontal shedding and caused me to believe just like everyone else that I was sacrificing my frontal hairline. So what did I do????? Did i post numerous times in the forum or did I become depressed or scared or miserable?????? Of course not!!! I continued my .5 mg of Avodart for 3 years even though by all accounts I should have added spironolactone minoxidil, and nizoral and blah blah blah waste of time products. My body just like any other human body had finally adapted changed and conformed to my original goal. Stop my agressive hairloss and regrow what I had lost. Bottom line ignore all people who have quote poor scientific studies and sources on this site and do what I did. Just take the damn .5 mg pill everyday no matter what happens and see for yourself you were scared by the people who have had minimal results on this forum then all the others who just took the pill had great results and never went on this site again. Stop looking for others to tell you what to do and go with the best defense you have. Avodart!!!! Good luck all. By the way I am not looking for arguements and will no longer post on this site. Why? Because I have a full head of hair with absoltely no signs of hairloss, because I did not look towards the guidance of others to tell me what to do. The majority of people that post on this site are the small % of failures that have no success why the thousands of us that have had success go outside and enjoy there lives. I wish you luck all