Heres a short story for you...


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Ok, so this past weekend I decided that I needed to start drinking more water and start taking vitamins. I felt that I was just to unhealthy when it came to that kind of stuff. Now, keep in mind that I do work out and run on a regular basis. Any who, it is now Wednesday and IM SICK AS A f*****g DOG!!! I havent been sick in over 2 years, no cold, nothing....I go from drinking 2 cups of water a day to 1 liter, + or - a few cups, and this. Any who, does anyone know if this is possibly my body getting detoxed, or something.... What the helllll, maybe Im cleaning the crap from the inside. All I know is that no one will come near me now, girlfriend, co-workers....SHANNNNANIGANS is what I SAY!

Off to the Lala land.

Paki Polamalu


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when you don't drink alcohol in a while and drink again your imune sytem goes to sh*t. it might be this. did you get really drunk recently?


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Funny you say that..................I did!!!

Hmmmmm, that probably has something to do with it. Dang!!!


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it really screws up your imune system. i remember when i broke up with my x and started partying again and drinking all the time. i was always healthy but started getting sick all the time from drinking so much. i don't drink when i'm taken..well not as much and hard as i do when i'm single. now that i'm taken again i don't really drink that reason to . going to parties isn't that much fun when you're taken. anyways, i had similar experience and that was my story. take care brasilerao. tenha uma boa noite


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well it is flu season, so it may be unrelated, but your immune system is actually really sensitive to stress. When your body needs extra "juice" to deal with things like a huge dose of alcohol, or a ton of stress, it uses the immune system as almost an energy reserve, and it is often the first thing to be compromised. so, keep drinking the water and taking the vitamins. and for god's sake, keep drinking beer so your body isn't so "shocked" when you get wasted.


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Trent said:
well it is flu season, so it may be unrelated, but your immune system is actually really sensitive to stress. When your body needs extra "juice" to deal with things like a huge dose of alcohol, or a ton of stress, it uses the immune system as almost an energy reserve, and it is often the first thing to be compromised. so, keep drinking the water and taking the vitamins. and for god's sake, keep drinking beer so your body isn't so "shocked" when you get wasted.

LOL!!!! It wasnt the beer per say...mostly the hard liquor!!! :D

Thanks guys!!!

Nite nite FOOOOLIOS!!!!!!!!!!

The Traveler

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Bra man-

Rub some Alize (passion fruit with cognac) on your head for a tingly feeling and drink some to cleanse your system. If that doesn't work, drink a bottle of Tequila (preferably Jose Cuervo) to kill the amoebas in your intestinal tract. Of course the latter option may get you sh*t faced.


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YEah i bet its the drinking, ive had similar experiences, and i totally agree "ix", Single life is much more drinking, taken life is much more luvy-duby and BANGING!

id much rather shag than drink anytime. Now doing both-drinking and shagging, instant orgasm! jk



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Thanks MAHUS!!!!!!!!

I feel much better already!

Tequila sure is a cure for everything, you go and bang some chick you dont know...just pour a little on your "fella" and it kills everything.

Awwwwwww, natural remedies...

Paki Polamalu