Hexapeptide-11 binds to the Androgen receptor


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Or so they say.

Hexapeptide-11 is a biofermented peptide that has been shown in in vitro genomic studies, run on human dermal fi broblasts, to upregulate key genes responsible for collagen production and important extracellular matrix components such as hyaluronic acid. In a gene microarray study conducted on human dermal fi broblasts, it was found that topical treatment with Hexapeptide-11 was able to upregulate the Androgen Receptor gene (AR) indicating that the peptide appears capable of binding to the Androgen Receptor much the way testosterone will. This suggests that Hexapeptide-11 may be able to infl uence the principal biochemical pathways responsible for converting young velus hair into mature terminal hair


Looks like the serum here may contain it: http://www.mens-groom.com

At least one Nioxin product contains the peptide(Oh, I was interested until I saw Nioxin! I can read your minds)

Hair spray containing the complex: http://vitanetonline.com/description/NG0264/vitamins/Forever-and-a-Spray-Alcohol-free-Hair-Spray/


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Bad idea. Very, very bad idea.

You'd be upregulating the very process that lead to hair loss in the first place. Sure, if you want a thicker beard or body hair you could apply this stuff in those places, but this stuff will actually cause hair loss.

michael barry

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Perhaps it binds to the receptor but doesn't get "read" by the DNA to elicit the same response. An androgen recepetor "blocker" in other words?

I had read an EHRS abstract that warned against receptor blockers due to androgen receptor mutation over time that would increase receptor sites and make receptors be able to use other things as androgens and elicit the same downstream response, but Ive also read Bryan state to just keep blocking the receptors (like with spironolactone) and it wont matter very much, they will always be blocked. But if one got of the receptor blockers, they might have a pretty tough shed going on for a spell.