Hey Arfy, how did and do you deal with all the setbacks for all these decades?


Established Member
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Hey Arfy,

I posted this on another forum too but in case you did not see it, I am reposting it here.

I assume you are now around the age of 55 and have had major issues with your scalp appearance and damage for over three decades it seems. I know that you were especially devastated with your initial damage from Dr. Puig in the 1980s and I am curious how you dealt with it when going out to work, socializing, having photos taken in public etc...

Now you have the added problem with Dr. Cole's work, but I presume that you are not depressed or suicidal and are still able to live life to some extent? Do you wear a hat or wig when outside? Did you ever get married of have children (no need to answer personal questions if you prefer not to of course).

Can you advise us on this board about how you have tackled daily living over the past few decades? Do you have good support from parents and siblings if any? Have you seen a change in your ability to tolerate things and become better at dealing with appearance related issues as you get older even if these issues are far more extreme than what most people face? I am in my mid-30s, and still care about hair loss way too much. I hope I stop doing so when in my 50s, but I doubt it.

At this point in your life, do you still have goals regarding career, making money etc... or are you basically living like Joe from Staten Island (the depressed guy who used to be on Spencer Kobren's show every week).

Do you have any hopes from the current rapid progress in medicine and science leading to an improvement in your life in the next decade?

Thanks and hope to learn more about how you tackle your problems and any other advice that you can offer from your life experiences to date.


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My Regimen
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The post doesn't seem negative to me at all.

Yes Arfy (aka PH) - where are you these days? Its been a long time ....



Established Member
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The post doesn't seem negative to me at all.

Yes Arfy (aka PH) - where are you these days? Its been a long time ....


I'm not PH.


New Member
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What or who is a PH?