Hey CCS...


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How's your head carpet working out? Have you placed any new orders?


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CCS is M.I.A.


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Wow imagine that! Still it'd be nice if he could give us an update. Any of you mods heard from him?


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cut him some slack. he's so busy following up on all the girls that are poking him on facebook. although the poking option is probably done to see if they can 'poke' his toupee off his head.


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This is kinda worrying though, this guy started out doing 50 posts a day!!! And now he's made about 3 in the past month.


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I imagine that the piece is working out well and he's busy living life and making up for the lost time he squandered on hairloss internet forums.


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Are you being serious? :freaked:


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He does not need this forum anymore. He has a full head of hair now. :innocent:


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He's had an almost full head of hair for years and the last time he posted he sti;; was'nt satisfied even with the wig. Besides hair was only one of his many issues, he used the forum for much more than that.
He used to ask advice on every thing he did and loved to spread his own unique wisdom about dating and women. I cant believe that someone as pschologically troubled as CCS could turn around in such a short amount of time. (but then again maybe he got the ride and it turned him normal overnight).
The last time he was on here he was talking the usual crap about needing 15" arms to get women and remember he was planning to transport some GH across the border from Canada. (Maybe he got arrested !) :woot: But anyway he appeared to be just as clueless as ever.
My theory is that he's on some other forum somewhere still spouting the same sh*t.
But anyway I really miss his entertaining posts. :sobbing:


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s.a.f said:
Are you being serious? :freaked:

15% serious. There is a chance.... right?


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In reality.. he is probably just hiding out for a while, so that he can return with a story about how amazing life has been, just to prove all of the doubters wrong. ;)


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I buzzed my head again.

In order to blend your hair piece, you must either get a piece with all the hairs already going the exact direction as your natural ones (very unlikely), or you must put gel or other product in both the piece and your hair to make them match (what most people on toplace do).
I don't like hair product, and I can't seem to get a piece that matches my natural hair. So I will get a 3/4 cap soon so there will be no blending issues.

Cleaning time: swiss lace is no fun to clean. And I can't get the hairline down without lift. So I'm going to get a super thin skin perimeter for my next piece. My only concern is I can't imagine the color matching my scalp, and I can't imagine it looking like the hair is growing out of the scalp if the perimeter is clear. I'll experiment later when I have the money, but I'll buy my piece from Final hair, for $140 plus shipping.

Until then, I'm not working about my hair. I'm focusing on my muscles. And I'm taking a year off from school and working so I can pay for laser hair removal and other stuff. I'll be able to focus better my senior year after all this stuff is paid for and off my mind.

Even with the hair direction wrong, I look much better with a hair piece. I just don't want to be bothered with it now, or let anyone start suspecting yet, when I know I can do it better later.


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I did get more positive attention while having the piece, but I could never get the attachment good enough to trust it up close. So I never acted on any of it.


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Dont your strip scars show with a buzzed head?


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Thanks for the info CCS. I decided to go with the polyskin perimeter as well. I ordered a stock piece and wasn't satisfied with how it looks so I've put off wearing until I get my custom piece.
How long did it take to clean the Swiss lace?
Did you have any problems with getting a secure bond?
Did you get a freestyle or did you try to mark out the direction of the hairs on your template?
Why did you decide to go with Final Hair?

Thanks bro


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I could never get it clean. The hairs would lay down and stick to the glue beneath, some of them. Once they had glue on them, not even the greasiest glue remover would get it out. And that was just one layer of basebond. So in one place my hair had the wet look.
Poly won't have that problem.

Clean up would have been shorter had I kept it out of my own hair. But if you want to get right up to the perimeter, that is the chance you take. When I do the poly, I'll put the glue on the poly, not my scalp first.

If I just did a good enough job, I could change in 5 minutes. It looked alright. If I went to the point of diminishing returns, maybe 40 minutes. I did the mirror slide dry, and then wet, across 3 feet of mirror. It removed 1/4 of the glue. Maybe I needed to do more.

I told them what direction to point the hairs. But Coolpiece messed that up good. They also sent me the wrong color even though I sent them a bag full of all the hair off my head when I buzz shaved it for the template. After getting inferior quality from a $300 place, I've decided all places are the same, and it is up to the wearer to make pieces work, and now I shop bottom dollar. MB said finalhair is pretty good, so I'm giving them a go. But I'm getting straight hair so there is no way they can mess up forward vs flatback.

And I will state again: those guys on toplace who have perfect looking hair, most of them use hair gel or something to force the hairs to go the same direction, or they have very long hair so it is hidden. Also, a topper blends better than a frontal. With my frontal with temple flaps, the transition on the side was under much closer scrutiny. That is why I'm going 3/4 cap, so there will be no transition. I'll just leave 3 inches of nape hair so I don't have to glue to a highly flexing area of skin.

The straighter the hair, the less likely the venter is to alternate curl direction like coolpiece did. I still can't believe they did that, and Jeffery just played dumb and said there is nothing wrong with it like that.

Hey Mulder, order a clear super thin skin perimeter and tell me how the roots look.


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and I got lift no matter what perimeter I used. that is another reason for skin: more bonding surface area, and you can go underwater more. Hmmm.... I wanted what is more noticeable to the touch, sticky glue, or thin skin. I'm doing a half inch perimeter.

I wnat a few half inch squares of poly at different points under the lace on top of my head as gluing points for more strength. Your piece can easily be lifted up there without it. Most guys put a strip of tape down the middle, but I can feel the tape through the lace.

Only good thing to report: the swiss is very undetectable. Attaching it undetectably is the trouble.