Hey Guys, Have a look at this new treatm for male pattern baldness......


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TRX2 - Thomas Whitfield link: http://www.trx2.com/
"The aim of TRX2 is to fight female and male pattern hair loss and reduce the number of unintentionally bald people on our planet. Let's make wigs, drugs and hair transplantations history. We will launch our products and services soon. In the meanwhile Sign Up and stay tuned. Be among the first to profit from the revolutionizing TRX2 technology"

I hope that it will be a promising treatment for male pattern baldness. From the ingredients I think that it may be a growth stimulant. Hope soooo. Also on another forum someone posted this link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pu...tPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum I don't know if it's relevent but it more than likely is. And to try and simplify what the second link is talking about here's another link http://www.rndsystems.com/molecule_detail.aspx?m=3050


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Been discussed before.

I hate to be pessimistic but I can't see this leading anywhere. I'm highly doubtful an Oxford student can just come up with a cure, while companies spend millions to come up with mediocre products.

If it's not a drug it most likely won't be a cure. A growth stimulant won't be a cure because there will still be DHT effecting the hair. In all fairness tons of these guys do this every year , this guy has got media attention because of his radical claims (cure/in a year) and because he has already been in the media for creating a website.

Hopefully this guy is a complete genious and will come up with something.


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I agree with you dude,

There is logic behind wat you are saying. I am sure that he won't manage to make the hairloss history. That that I think he may manage to find is an other treatment like finasteride or minoxidil which is considered to be a miracle, not a cure. For some it may work for others not. If you see the second and third link, I believe and I want to believe that there is a secret behind the ingredients. They all seem unknown to me. I don't think that being in so many articles and newspapers is a joke......
Let's hope that after 12 months we will have another gun against hairloss....


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Well I suppose he did go to one of the top 5 universities in the world and has a P.H.D in Biochemistry and he will spend time at the cutting edge InCube Labs. Maybe there is something to it.


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Guys... don't trick yourselves into believing stuff like this. Products and services? My bet is its repackaged saw palmetto or something like that, if its anything more than a marketing ploy. I hate to see what it does to you, but this guy needs to think about what he's doing to a 15 year old girl somewhere who has google and alopecia universalis. Now that is just cruel. Where are the trials? Where is the FDA? To market in a year No f'ing way.