Hey guys, I need guidance regarding my situation, very confused


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Hey everyone, long time lurker but felt the need to join so that I could get some feedback from some of you on my current situation. Okay, here goes..

I'm in my early 20s
Been suffering from hairloss since 18yrs old
Never touched a treatment before
Nw3 ish but extensive thinning in crown

I have spent years concealing my hairloss with hairstyles and products and felt like it was eating away at my life and needed to do something. Now here is when it gets interesting, I discovered something called SCALP PIGMENTATION from a company called HIS HAIR CLINIC. It's a procedure where they place tiny little dots on your scalp that mimics real hair to give you the illusion of a full head of hair on a shaved/buzzed head, almost like a tattoo but it's different than a real tattoo and doesn't fade or change color. I got this done, results were good but weren't perfect like I had hoped(yet), I thought about long term and knew I needed to use products to stop hairloss and possible regrow.

Basically my question is that I'm concerned what will happen if I use a dermaroller+any topical treatment(like spironolactone, cetirizine, minoxidil) and a hairloss shampoo as well(nizoral,etc..)
Would it negatively affect my scalp pigmentation?(fading/color/etc)

I know some of you are wizards when it comes to this and I'm hoping you could give me some Insight to what I might be in for.

Thanks guys!!!!


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First of all, congratulations on finding the courage to go through such a proceedure. I have watched many of their clips and boy are they impressive. It really is the "other" solution to a full head of hair.. really creates the ultimate illusion if done well and you need to also have the right head shape,, in my opinion. Have you got any before and after pics? How much did it cost you?

To answer your questions, i would not have a clue if the topicals would alter the ink long term and i doubt that many pple on here would also know? You have a genuine query.


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First of all, congratulations on finding the courage to go through such a proceedure. I have watched many of their clips and boy are they impressive. It really is the "other" solution to a full head of hair.. really creates the ultimate illusion if done well and you need to also have the right head shape,, in my opinion. Have you got any before and after pics? How much did it cost you?

To answer your questions, i would not have a clue if the topicals would alter the ink long term and i doubt that many pple on here would also know? You have a genuine query.
Thank you for your reply,
Yes it is a very "different" procedure but can be very successful if done right, I unfortunately faded out the ink naturally and require more sessions to get the exact results I was hoping for(darkness/fading seem to be the main problem with this treatment). Treatment costs a few grand but covers you in case of fading or issues. But yes the treatment is tricky when you still have hair and want to maintain it since certain topical meds are not known to cause conflicts with the ink. My plan was to jump on meds after this procedure then do an fue transplant to give a very full/buzzed look with the mht and without it in case I decide to grow it. Hopefully someone can answer my questions:(

Only His Hair Clinic can answer that question
They do not know since there are no long term studies on this subject(meds+mht)


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Prettyboy, I have had Scalp Micropigmentation at a company (NOT HIS HAIR) and it turned out terrible. Luckily for me, my results dont look bad, but they are so minimal that I look no different from before (so I wasted over 4 Gs on nothing). I have not consulted with HIS, so therefore I cannot comment on them. Their forum is amazing, but it could be total BS and could be all employees posting (but they could be legit IDK). If you decide to do this with HIS or any provider, make sure that you get in writing a promisary note stating that they will perform as many sessions on your scalp as needed, b/c it is a well known fact in the smp game that different individuals absorb pigments differently and at differnt rates, meaning some guys need 7 sessions, where some only need 3. The provider I went to promised results in one session, and when I did not receive results, they made me pay to travel back and only provided one more hour of smp work which did NOTHING! Anyhow, HIS Hair seems to be the most dependable and legit (in this smp buisness), but dont make my mistake. Whether it's an smp company, or hair transplant Doctor, make sure you get in writing EXACTLY what services will be performed, and guarantees you have. If you go to HIS please post back and let us know how it goes. thanx