HEY! Help Needed! Advice!


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Hey what's up
First off, a hello to everybody on this board, seems like an amazing website!

I'm 19 from southern california, and i've joined this message forum for a little bit of advice! I'm not experiencing any major hair loss yet, but i am noticing in the very front that i'm losing a little bit of hair, and at the very front, my hair is slowly thinning out, Now does anybody have any advice on what I can use? I'm willing to purchase anything in order to further prevent my hair from falling out in the future years to come. I'm open to any advice, so if you feel like sharing, please go right ahead

Thank you all for reading, I appreciate it!


The Rock

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(from now on i will respond to all questions as the rock) Finally The Rock has come back, to Southern California...........Sean you ask about what to do about your thinning hair....since you caught it early (unlike the rock)...go to your doctor or dertamtologist and ask for a prescription of propecia....this shoudl halt your hairloss and even regrow some of you hair. Also a good thickener shampoo will make a difference in the appearance. Go get that prescirption asap, before The Rock has to layeth the smacketh down on your californian ***! If ya smeell, what The Rock, is cookn!


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The Rock said:
(from now on i will respond to all questions as the rock) Finally The Rock has come back, to Southern California...........Sean you ask about what to do about your thinning hair....since you caught it early (unlike the rock)...go to your doctor or dertamtologist and ask for a prescription of propecia....this shoudl halt your hairloss and even regrow some of you hair. Also a good thickener shampoo will make a difference in the appearance. Go get that prescirption asap, before The Rock has to layeth the smacketh down on your californian ***! If ya smeell, what The Rock, is cookn!


SeanfromCA, finasteride, minoxidil and ketoconazole are known as the BIG3, using them in combination seems to be the best way to fight male pattern baldness. I suggest you do some research on these products and talk with medical experts about what would be right for you. You may also wish to consider changing your diet, there have been claims that certain food'd slow down the rate of baldness. there are other products besides the big 3 that may work for you, do some research and see if they are right fo you.
Finally what I have just written is not a matter of fact but merely my opinion. So get your self educated because this fight aint easy!
