Hey I am new here


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Hey i'm new here and just wanted to say hello, i'm currently only 18 and I have noticed in the past year that i lose hairs. My question tonight is (more are to come) how much hair are you supposed to lose on an average daily? I used to never lose hair, not 1 and then all the sudden a few hairs here a few hairs there. My head doesn't look bald however I used to have very thick hairs. Now they are getting thin (at least I think so) I'm gonna talk to my doctor to see if I can get some coverage on these medications (they are pricy when you make hardly anything)

wait I have 2 questions, does hair gel damage your folicals? My dad used to tell me that all the time.

wait wait, I have a third, please don't flame me if I ask what medications and treatments have the best results. thanks for reading



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Normally I'd be all over this like stink on crap... but you're young so I'll cut you a break.

The myth that hair gels, hats, and any other wive's tale about hairloss are all completely false. If hair can grow through the skin (ingrown hair) a little hair gel is like butter to a hot knife. The best way to determine if you are thinning is to check out your family. If there is a history of baldness, then I'll bet you dollars for donuts that you are going to lose it too. Since you're only 18, any systemic hormone altering drug probably isn't right for you. Wait a couple years to drop finasteride. Topical treatments however...get started right away if it's necessary. 5% Rogaine, or any generic form thereof would be a great start. A topical anti-androgen such as spironolactone, and a good shampoo and conditioner (Nizoral and infusium 23 respectively) to keep things clean up top.

Good luck kid.


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I was in the same boat kid. I say hit up Propecia/finasteride right away. If you notice side effects, lower your dose and if that's to no avail, drop the drug for a while. But get on it ASAP.



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I'd say start minoxidil/nizoral or sprio/nizoral try that for 4-6 months a go from there...


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would my doctor cover these charges? it's kind of pricy every month.


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is Propecia the only drug that actually reduces DHT? It seems everyone that has tried it can't get a woody. That would be seriously bad being that I am only 18 and still hold my v card 8O


Established Member
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Just try minoxidil for now , you are young hold off on the propecia and see how the minoxidil does


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Get on Propecia. If it you notice any problems, get off of it. It isn't going to affect your "v card" per se. Might help you cash it in with your newly found hair.
