hi everyone



im bored, so i write this. what can i say. on thursday a girl told me i was pretty attractive. wow. it was in a disco. i wonder if she would say that too if i hadnt have kerasome in my hair. she even approached me. dumb only that she was going to marry soon. umm, i got luck. even another girl approached me this evening though you cant say really approached because she was a friend of a friend of mine and she introduced herself to me. but at least she did it and not me. okay. ya i know i brag. :) well and before when we were in a bar i met this girl im enamoured of now. yes. she is fat though lol. but what can i say? you cant do anything against love. she had so pretty eyes and was so nice. wow. im gona see her again soon. though she will go back to her country (usa) and therefor she wont become my girlfriend. sad. but what can i do?

i wonder how my life was without kerasome. ya , i really wonder. im gona get transplants soon. i hope they work out!


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Come to the US dude. You will find many many fat blonde hot chicks. I hate them. Even though a fat one, they have a pretty face and beautiful eyes and great blonde hair and look attractive and they wear those tight dresses that hides their fat. But its only when you open the clothes and see all the bulk falling down...( I wanna puke )...you realise...damn mistake...

I have tried to do it with three fat chicks....they all said they were pros and will give me a time I ll remember for life...but I just did not feel like doing it after seeing them naked. Yuck...

I wanna bang a fat chick though. My friend who has slept with many fat chicks says they really are good as compared to the thin ones..I dont know how but he swears by them


come on, im not talking of f*****g. i think im enamoured of this girl. thats completley different. i dont have to f*** with her. she just has to sit near me and look me in the eyes and im happy. lol. or say something nice like she did. okay i only met her once and so i cant really say i love her. i dunno, i just have this feeling. maybe when i see her again (i will see her again) i will know better.


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damn i hate it when women are like that. yeah, i can be bald and hang out with pretty women. some still love the attention. maybe one will even say she is my girlfriend. but that mean 'lets light a candle and look at the stars'-- all fun, but no sex. she will have sex with the hairy guys who are taller. she just wants attention from me because she set her sights to high and a really good looking guy was not giving her the attention and worship she wanted, so now she gets it from me. one said she was in love with David Sadaris, but that she'd never have sex with him even once because he is too short. yah, phooie. "in love" means jack sh*t. she was also in love with a guy who was cheating on his gilrfriend of 8 years with her. she assumed his girlfriend would leave him when she found out, and she could then marry him, but instead the two fought for him and my friend lost. i was the she came venting to the whole time. but she did not want to date me. she just liked my attention. i could see it in her facial expressions when i showed interest by making constant eye contact. she did not hide it a bit.


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funny how she was so forgiving of him when she thought she could have him, and how she then thought he had used her when she thought she could not have him. She has not updated me on what is going on between them, but since she told me that she cares about him, my guess is something happened that makes her think she has a new chance.

I used to see this guy as competition because she was so into him. now I see him as her fair reward for deliborately putting me through an emotional rollercoaster just so she could have attention. Now he can put her though an emotional rollercoaster, and I'll sit back here smiling, and let him do the work that i can't do.


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helpme007 said:
come on, im not talking of f****ing. i think im enamoured of this girl. thats completley different. i dont have to f*** with her. she just has to sit near me and look me in the eyes and im happy. lol. or say something nice like she did. okay i only met her once and so i cant really say i love her. i dunno, i just have this feeling. maybe when i see her again (i will see her again) i will know better.

What..you wanna sit near a girl and you are not thinking of f*****g her...

Damn....seems like the Propecia sides got you :D


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i enjoy sitting near a hot woman even without having sex, but I'd have sex if i could. Look at all those guys who pay for p**rn or go to strip clubs and can't touch the women. that is odd though that he does not want to have sex with her. aside from the fact that she is fat. i don't know. give him time. he might eventually.


I've heard from other men that 5-10 pounds usually appears when women take off tight pants. i would nlt call those women fat, but i would say they have some extra pounds.

Women keep saying that "celulite" is a genetic condition they can do nothing about. cellulite is that wavy looking fat some thin women have. despite their excuses, it comes from quickly gaining and loosing and gaining weight, and then forcing themselves into tight cloths all the time, stretching their skin and maybe stretching their fatty tissue. if they'd maintain the same weight and not wear tight clothes, it would not be an issue. those women are guaranteed to blow up when you marry them. they'd rather live one life style, but do tricks to look different so they can date guys.


i dont understand myself. i dont love her anymore. i think. but before i did. i just loved her for one day. maybe i fall in love to her again when i see her again. well, how can you love someone anyway if you only know her 2 hours? dunno.

okay if you two think you always have to f*** with a woman you dont understand the meaning of true love. okay i dont know what is true love either, but you should believe in it. and love means not sex. it means somehting completley else. see normally even if a girl is thin but i think her *** is a little bit to wide i dont want her anymore.

i just hope i will *love* her again because its a great feeling. okay i wont marry her or anything , she wont even become my girlfriend because she is going back to the united states and i live in germany. but i loved her for one day. thats what matters.

i hope i find another girl who i love. love is great. i dont care if that girl is fat or thin. if you love you love. its not about thickness or thinness. its about something special. the special of her were her eyes and that she was soooo nice. that made me love her.

but when i search someone to f***, i think other. okay i think i would even f*** with a girl who is a *bit* fat, but thats just me. my friends wouldnt.

and if i search someone for being my girlfriend, then i really have damn high requirements. she has to be thin, perfect body, nice face and i have to find her attractive. even if everything is perfect with her she still should be intelligent.

okay , i wont find such a girl anyway. cute, intelligent, perfect body. okay cute and perfect body you find, but then intelligent? women always act so stupid. it seems as if they wanna be stupid. i think its coz intelligent women arent considered as attractive. i wanna have an intelligent girl though because im very intelligent myself.

okay anyway, next week i will see her again. i will tell you if i love her.