Hi fellas, new here looking for answers!!


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Hi fellas, I have been browsing here for a few weeks picking up information and I have to say this place is great, such a lot of knowledge! I am 26 being thinning for 2 or 3 years now mostly at the temples and have started to look into these so called miracle drugs (propecia rogaine and so on).

I also think you may have been overlooking potentionally important angles in male pattern baldness, I rarely read anything on cosmic rays/energies.Why is this?

I think in the future we may be able to cure baldness by receiving these so called cosmic rays from other worlds directly to our heads (prehaps from a satalitte relay) these energies would be focused to grow hair and even cure diseases like AIDS and Asmatic conditions.

I am not saying all these new medications have no use, but coupled with powers/energies from the universe and perhaps communication with alien worlds I think we can really beat this male pattern baldness thing.

Any thoughts


P.S. Why are all aliens bald, I think it because they may (I am saying may, I do not know for certain) have developed in a slightly different way from humans and do not require hair on top of their heads.


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binoculars said:
Hi fellas, I have been browsing here for a few weeks picking up information and I have to say this place is great, such a lot of knowledge! I am 26 being thinning for 2 or 3 years now mostly at the temples and have started to look into these so called miracle drugs (propecia rogaine and so on).

I also think you may have been overlooking potentionally important angles in male pattern baldness, I rarely read anything on cosmic rays/energies.Why is this?

I think in the future we may be able to cure baldness by receiving these so called cosmic rays from other worlds directly to our heads (prehaps from a satalitte relay) these energies would be focused to grow hair and even cure diseases like AIDS and Asmatic conditions.

I am not saying all these new medications have no use, but coupled with powers/energies from the universe and perhaps communication with alien worlds I think we can really beat this male pattern baldness thing.

Any thoughts


P.S. Why are all aliens bald, I think it because they may (I am saying may, I do not know for certain) have developed in a slightly different way from humans and do not require hair on top of their heads.

Well, I've heard that Prof. Brancos research group in Poland is conducting research in the field of cosmic rays. He should be able to give you more information about this exciting technology.


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thanks for the replies fellas.

I will do a search on this Banco fella, he sounds heavy.

At the moment I am looking into color energy and trying to focus that into my hair, I am finding oranges, pinks and reds to be the most beneficial colors, with tiny almost invisible hairs growing in my temple areas (and some completely invisible ones). I am sure this is how the 'so called' lazer comb' works, but i have just been using an ordinary light bulb with colored gels in front to change the color.

I know as a fact the American goverment are at this point in time in negotiations with alien forces to trade our technologies like mobile phones, color scanners, PC's and GPS along with things like berries and nuts (they have not yet invented food I believe) for their technologies like cures for human diseases, space vechiles, lunar weaponary, brain scanners and so on and so forth.

I really do think this kind of research, along with rays from (friendly) alien worlds and other cosmic rays, non-conscious vibrations, Nizoral, mind over matter and levitaion we can lick this male pattern baldness thing for once and for all.

TynanW, don't worry I can read your message.

Any thoughts
