hi guys, help please


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I am visiting from the women's side to ask a few question- HairLossTalk.com- anyone-- it seems like the women don't use topical spironolactone much-

is 5% spironolactone really known to be better than 2%? It really stinks and ends up being more expensive.

someone had also I think mentioned a nizoral cream? is there such a thing?


The Gardener

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Hi Leg366,

There are studies saying that spironolactone is an effective tool in fighting DHT-induced hairloss. However, the hormonal dynamics of women's hairloss is a bit more complicated than with male hairloss. Some women might be losing their hair due to the effects of DHT but from what I have read, women's hairloss is primarily driven by testosterone and this would mean that spironolactone would not be effective.


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Gardener, thank you for answering. do you know where you saw that stuff about the testosterone vs DHT in women? I have never heard that before.

a little more info- I have normal testosterone and no polycstic ovary disease, ie all normal androgens. I had chronic Telogen Effluvium from fe deficiency and BCP's and probably now unfortunately Telogen Effluvium-induced Androgenetic Alopecia. not sure about that. all my regrowth is strong terminal hair and I have no miniaturization.

It is odd that women get prescribed spironolactone then if it doesn't address the problem? most women who get an Androgenetic Alopecia dx get oral spironolactone and yasmin? and revivogen? would that be useless too?

thank you for your help.



Nizorals effect on hairloss is believed to be as a mild anti-androgen, would this be of any use to you?


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thank you

Tynanw. you two are funny by the way.

yes- I am using 2% nizoral. I think it has helped the condition of my scalp. I am just looking for the best topical for antiandrogen effect for women. I am not ready for finasteride.

thanks again, nice visiting :)


The Gardener

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I take back what I said about spironolactone... some women might respond very well to spironolactone and now that I think about it, I recall some articles saying some women have gotten results using spironolactone internally. Men can't use oral spironolactone because cause some unwanted feminization of the body, but it is obviously far more compatible for a woman to use.