Hi new here!


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I am 21 yrs old (I think NW2-3) and am losing hair very quick. I am currently on just Rogaine 5% and Nizoral since my Doctor thinks I am too young for Propeica. Being in Canada, I have to get a prescription.

I'd assume that a few strands of hair falling out when combing is natural. But I started to count the hair that falls out durign the shower (I clog the drain). I am suprised to count 100+. I take 1 shower everday.

Is this how much you guys lose everyday from MPH durign a shower? This is some crazy sh@t.


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pkpkpk! said:
Is this how much you guys lose everyday from MPH durign a shower?
I only lose hair due to MPH when I'm in a ragtop....

Question - how long have you been on Minoxidil? You are probably going through a minoxidil induced shed if you are seeing more hairloss than usual. Be patient as this is somewhat normal and continue your research. Some sheds are short - a couple of weeks and others take a couple months. Everybody is different. Knowledge of all the possibilities is the difference between freaking out and calmly getting through it.

jerry grant


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LOL, I wouldn't mind loosing hair driving a Ferrari convertible.


I have been on Minodoxil for 4 weeks, but I believe this is not a shed, since I still lose approx. the same amount of hair as b4 Rogaine and Saw Palmetto.

I will go for the BIG 3 treatment.


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Welcome to the board! :rockon:

I wouldn't put too much faith in Saw Palmetto if i were you. If your too young for finsateride, perhaps topical spironolactone along with your monixidil would be a good idea.