Higher dosage of finasteride or Dutas will cause more shedding??

but What about Today

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Higher dosage of finasteride or Dutas means more shedding?

Hi, in the Dutas and finasteride study it seems like higher dosage is optimal. So I was wondering if you all think higher dosage will cause more of a shed and if so why, when the stuff is prescribed at a higher dosage then we tend to take? And yes I know higher dosage means possible side effects, but I'm talking about something more important shedding hairs lol.

Quantum Cat

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taking more than 1mg of finasteride a day is pointless.

I don't know about Dutasteride

but What about Today

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Yeah true, funny because I actually just typed finasteride in just in case, because I remember the study.

I think in the study it says 2.5 of Dutas is optimal. But what I'm really wondering is if theres more of a shed in higher doses, ya know.


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I would think so, as the more drastic the changes induced in your body. The more likelly it is to trigger a bigger shed due to more shock to your system.

but What about Today

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Well the hairs that fall out are actually the weak ones, so you shouldn't have a bunch fall out that shouldn't or wouldn't shed. Also, Dr. Proctor said the shedding is kinda over rated.


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Interestingly, I discussed a similar issue with my Psychiatrist just this afternoon.

There is a connection between bodymass and the *ideal* dosage of most drugs, however other factors also come into play such as being more toward the obese side of the scale can cause your body to naturally create more Oestrogen.

Bryan would know the answer here :)


i have take dutasteride 2Years

the Hairs get from Dark Hairs to Yellowish straw Hairs
my Hair looks as burned
and 2Year shedding without end
Hairs very ill over the full Head
i have lost 50% Hairs arround the Head
and 70% in the front

was dutasteride to strong?
or the Hormonsystem schocked??(östrogen-Testo.....)

i am back to finasteride
but what should i do after dutasteride?
finasteride stopped for few Month that the Body and Hairs make a Reset?
or further with finasteride?
