Hiimnotcool's Story - ( Pics + Update!)


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I was just wondering what all of you would classify my hairloss as up until this point? I used to have really long hair when I was 18 years old (im 21 now) and would dye it black and one day one of my friends said the dreaded words we've all heard. "You look like youre balding dude". Since then I've had numerous comments about it and the last 2 years my temples have been receding. Hopefully I could get some insight from everyone. Thanks!






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hair today gone tomorrow

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early stages of diffuse thinning....Luckily you caught it early. If I were you Id go see a doctor about propecia/proscar and I would start using nizoral shampoo 3-4x a week. Good luck.

hair today gone tomorrow

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no way...dude I dont even think your a norwood 2 YET...As far as I can see you have a relatively good hairline...but the hair throughout your head is starting to thin out.


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Alright, well thank you very much for the reply. Since i've been around these boards since December I've already started Finpecia. I've been on it since late January. I also use Revita and Rogaine Foam two times a day on the hairline. Hopefully the thinning reverses.


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funny, my loss is much worse than yours and i never got any comments. even after i pointed it out they insisted they didnt notice.

people are weird.

i'd say you're somewhere between NW1 and NW2. your problem is at the top/back and thats where the drugs work the best! im sure it'll help you out.

is that you in the blue hat? you look like travis barker, heh.


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haha, yeah thats me. and yeah ive been told that before by a few people. its funny you guys are telling me my problems are at the top/back and here i am freaking out mostly about my hairline. would you suggest putting the foam all over my head then?


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Hard To Tell

I think its all in your head. Looks to me like you just have that natural swirly vertex that men and women and children have. Google search on "hair whirls" or "hair swirls" and you'll see that even children have thin vertex areas. Kid live life and stop worryiing.


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i guess due to it running in my family and my grandfather balding in his early 20's, the first sight of any loss of hair put me in alert mode.


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I don't think you have any problem at all. Alot of people here are so focused on spotting the "slightest" trace of thinning, that you can likely show them a full head of hair and they will speculate as to it's male pattern baldness. Wet hair will always show scalp, and the back is sprial in which hairs grow in all different directions, which is why it often appears thin, even in men with a full head of hair.

Secondly, alot of people have slightly thinner hair at the front, than at the back. Whereas toward the back of the head, you can have groups of 3-4 hairs, in the front, it is ususally 1-2. This does not mean you are balding, or that your hair is miniaturized. Either way, there is no way to know unless you consult a dermatologist. But don't waste your money jumping on medicationgs "just to be safe", you may not even have a problem.

Wet hair + flash + combinb forward = You will see scalp.

hair today gone tomorrow

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I told him to see a doctor...I didnt tell him to self-proscribe....How do you think baldness starts? do you think you just wake up and notice a bald spot? its gradual....thats why he should see a doctor, but if i were a betting man...Id say he does have male pattern baldness.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
I told him to see a doctor...I didnt tell him to self-proscribe....How do you think baldness starts? do you think you just wake up and notice a bald spot? its gradual....thats why he should see a doctor, but if i were a betting man...Id say he does have male pattern baldness.

I completely agree.

But gradual thinning can take anywhere from 1 year - 65 years. Even if you are thinning there is no guarantee that you will be bald.

Oh, and try to find a good dermatologist. My first experience went something like this:

"What's the problem today?"
"My hair feels a bit thinner."
"Perfect, we have propecia, its safe, and you have to take it for life... let me write you a prescription"

End of doctor's visit.

Make sure you get analysed for miniaturization. Demand it. Otherwise the doctors guess is as good as yours. There are many conditions which cause thinning of the hair, but only one that causes miniaturization.

Don't be afraid to ask your doctor. Alot of them simply want to wave their wrist, collect their co-payments, and move on to the next "patient".

Be careful, and search around for doctors. Get several opinions. Don't be pushed around by fear, a sense of urgency, and incompetent doctors.


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but im already on finpecia and rogaine foam, plus nizoral and many supplments. that should definitely keep my hairline as it is right?

hair today gone tomorrow

Senior Member
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hiimnotcool said:
but im already on finpecia and rogaine foam, plus nizoral and many supplments. that should definitely keep my hairline as it is right?

hopefully, unfortunately there is no guarantees in the hair loss game. Just know that your pretty much doing all you can.


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hiimnotcool said:
but im already on finpecia and rogaine foam, plus nizoral and many supplments. that should definitely keep my hairline as it is right?

Hairline is toughest thing to maintain, as those follicles are usually the most sensitive to DHT. However, many men, ranging from their late teens to late twenties develop a "mature" hairline (This ranges anywhere from a Norwood 2 - Norwood 2.5). So if you are noticing some wispy hairs around your hairline, it may just be this transformation.

Don't start on Rogaine unless you have a definitive diagnosis. Finasteride is never really going to affect your hair as drastically as Rogaine may, so that is a safer drug, with regards to your hair cosmetically.

Have you seen a dermatologist yet?


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No I havent seen a physician for it. I actually work in the medical field so it would probably be easy for me to get ahold of one. I guess I've never really see the point since I'm already on the drugs.


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hiimnotcool said:
No I havent seen a physician for it. I actually work in the medical field so it would probably be easy for me to get ahold of one. I guess I've never really see the point since I'm already on the drugs.

Well, the biggest issue I suppose would be spending money on medications that you don't need, playing with your hormone levels, and risking the onset of side effects when you don't need to. Even if you are on the meds, you should get a professional opinion. I don't suppose it would be entirely ridiculous to assume that there are people on propecia who do not need to be.

Secondly, you need to track your progress. It seems that without some professional consultation, you are blindly wondering with the hair loss game. It should be well calculated. For example, you may think you are getting no results, when perhaps you weren't balding to begin with. or vicecersa. It is never a bad idea to see a good doctor.

As far as regimens go, this site pretty much outlines the steps to take. Start with the most proven medication, and work your way down from there. But you should definately get mapped for miniaturization, so you can have an idea of what your future pattern of baldness might be.

Rogaine is a dangerous game. You may stimulate a shed within parts of the hair that don't need regrowth, or aren't affected by male pattern baldness at all for example. From personal experience, and from what has been posted here, these periods of shedding can be quite a cause of anxiety.


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I really appreciate you taking time out to talk to me and give me your insight. How much does something like getting checked by a dermatologist cost? I'm in the military so I have insurance but I'm really not sure if it would cover a visit to get checked for hair loss.


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hiimnotcool said:
I really appreciate you taking time out to talk to me and give me your insight. How much does something like getting checked by a dermatologist cost? I'm in the military so I have insurance but I'm really not sure if it would cover a visit to get checked for hair loss.

It depends on your insurance, but a consulatation with a dermatologist, (assuming you will be only responsible for the co-payment) should be no more than $30. I do not believe you need a specific concern to see a dermatologist, and that others, like hair loss, do not qualify. After all, who is going to know what you went for other than you and the doctor. Of course, I do not know if there are special regulations with regards to the military and medical concerns.