Hiimnotcool's Story - ( Pics + Update!)


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my natural hair color is dark brown. all the pics in the thread are my natural hair. i definitely agree the miniaturization process takes a long time, but i just cant be positive it wasnt like this a few years ago either but the short hair was masking it. most of the hairs that are struggling to grow are still pretty dark but just not as long as the rest.

sounds like you were in the very same position as i am right now. did you end up cutting your hair shorter and if so, did it make things look a little better?


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well what happened is i cut my sides really sort and kept the top long like a squeeb

like the misfits

i kept that style for a while

when i grew that out (last year) i found that my temple and temple points were not as strong as they were and my hairline was thinning

i keep it kinda on the long side but not as long as yours

i dont think i look good with short hair

i personally think i need it kind of long to cover up my temples

you mentioned on some previous post that no one would think you are receding and the same goes with me

my hair loss is not bad maybe similar to yours ...maybe slightly better

no one would think we are losing our hair, but we all no where we are headed if we dont intervene

this december however i did receive a hair transplant to secure my Norwood 2

the hair is growing but it wont be cosmically noticeable till like August :(

i have a question do you regret quitting minoxidil a while ago because it made your hair line tooo straight?

i personally think you will be able to strengthen your hair line with the big three and almost certain your crown

good luck with your treatments cheers


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sounds like we're definitely the same. i dont like my hair short either! i wanna keep it long as possible but lately some friends are like 'looks like your balding' (hair dresser so i guess they notice that) so maybe shorts the way to go. luckily most people tell me to go back to short cause it looks better that way ayways.

im rather surprised you went the route of an hair transplant so early on. how much did that cost you?? it's a last resort for me if the big 3 dont work, but its a very nice backup plan to have.

also, i dont regret quitting the minoxidil at all. my thought process was 'well i can quit it now and use it again when i really need it'. i mean, it was obvious that i was a good responder so i figured that wouldnt magically change in a couple years.


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yeah you do have a good point about you being a good responder with minoxidil

so im pretty sure you will have good results with using it again

yeah i went the hair transplant route because i wasn't sure how i would do on the treatments and i wanted an "instant" gratification

hair transplant is not an instant gratification by any means but i felt like i needed to do it

the transplanted hair is growing now but its still short, it wont be like until august when it will look like my longer hair

it cost me $1500 dollars "cash" to get 600 grafts on my temples and a line across my hairline

my hair loss is kinda unique i bet i just acquired my "mature hairline" my dad when he was in his 30's had nw2 but with deep temples "like very angular"

thats what i had a Norwood 2 hairline but with the deepness (not width) of nw3 on the temple recessions "very angular"

weird huh......gotta love your genes!

i also have this condition "BDD" which makes it very difficult to deal with "minor" body flaws and i tend to obsess about them even though i would not like too
i cant help it

thats why i got the hair transplant