Hi guys. Fantastic website u have here. I found this site 2 wks ago, love it. Would like to thank those who share their experiences here.
Well my hairloss started when I was 24, it was kinda slow. But 3 years later I found it getting a bit noticeable under strong light. Then I tried some unproven treatments, even spent much money at the f***ing "professional" hair care centres. All turned out to be bull$#its. Though I heard about Propecia, still was not ready for it b/c of fear to its sides. Now I m over 30, have kids. Concerns to finasteride's sides become a lot less now. The gradual hairloss has brought my front hairline about 1" to the back with an M shape during the past years, crown is thinner but still have lots of healthier hair, luckily still look OK with my hair buzzed. I have a hairloss family history. My dad still looks cool evenhe has a a very thin hair scalp since he alway keeps his hair buzzed. But I bet all people will look better with full healthy hair.
So I've decided to do sth to maintain if not regrow my hair b4 I look too bad. Now I just got my Finpecia and Kirlan minoxidil, bought Nizoral (amazing stuff I'd say) last weekend. Hope the big 3 works for me. I will update my progress later. Good luck to u all. And sorry if this thread is too bad to read since I got a long way to improve my English. Good luck to u all.
Here's my regimen:
Finpecial: 0.5mg/day
minoxidil: 1ml*2/day
Shampoo: Nizoral 2-3 times a wk, T/Gel on Nizoral off days
Multi-vitamin each day
Well my hairloss started when I was 24, it was kinda slow. But 3 years later I found it getting a bit noticeable under strong light. Then I tried some unproven treatments, even spent much money at the f***ing "professional" hair care centres. All turned out to be bull$#its. Though I heard about Propecia, still was not ready for it b/c of fear to its sides. Now I m over 30, have kids. Concerns to finasteride's sides become a lot less now. The gradual hairloss has brought my front hairline about 1" to the back with an M shape during the past years, crown is thinner but still have lots of healthier hair, luckily still look OK with my hair buzzed. I have a hairloss family history. My dad still looks cool evenhe has a a very thin hair scalp since he alway keeps his hair buzzed. But I bet all people will look better with full healthy hair.
So I've decided to do sth to maintain if not regrow my hair b4 I look too bad. Now I just got my Finpecia and Kirlan minoxidil, bought Nizoral (amazing stuff I'd say) last weekend. Hope the big 3 works for me. I will update my progress later. Good luck to u all. And sorry if this thread is too bad to read since I got a long way to improve my English. Good luck to u all.
Here's my regimen:
Finpecial: 0.5mg/day
minoxidil: 1ml*2/day
Shampoo: Nizoral 2-3 times a wk, T/Gel on Nizoral off days
Multi-vitamin each day