HIS Hair Clinic forum moderator has scalp micropigmentation


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Dear all,

My name is Damien and I moderate the forum over at HIS Hair Clinic. Having worked for the company for 4 years, I finally decided to jump in at the deep end and have a scalp micropigmentation treatment myself. I have obviously posted my story on the HIS forum, but I wanted to share my story with the HairLossTalk.com community here too, as our two forums share a lot of members.

Please note that I am posting as a HIS client, not as a staff member. This post is completely non-commercial in nature, and as posts from company representatives are not usually allowed here, I have requested (and been granted) the relevant permissions from the HairLossTalk.com admins.

If anyone wants to read my full story, my diary thread can be found here

It took me 4 years to do this, I guess because I was nervous and apprehensive about it. Plus way back when, my hair loss wasnt half as bad as it eventually became. An accelerated rate of hair loss over the last couple of years was the deal maker for me I think.

My current situation is that I had my first SMP session 2 days ago. I have my second session on 20th June, and my third on 27th June. At the moment the dots are too large and too dark, but I've been around SMP for long enough to know this is normal. I've already noticed a slight shrinking and lightening of the dots, and this will continue over the next couple of weeks.

I've dropped a few photos below, along with a 'before' photo. I guess I was a Norwood 5 or 6 with a receded frontal hairline, receded side profiles and significant thinning out on top.

I've got a video too if you're interested.

I didnt really know what to expect. It was a bit painful, but certainly not unbearable. I took a couple of painkillers first that probably helped. My session took about 3 hours, including about 30 minutes in short breaks between.

I know that not everyone here gets the whole SMP thing. I'm not expecting universal approval, and I accept that everyone is entitled to their own viewpoint. Whether I work for HIS or not is irrelevant, because wherever I work, I still have a wife and family to go home to, a social circle and a life. I did this for me, and I am really happy that I took this decision. It might not be for everyone, but it works for me.

I've still a way to go yet as I'm only 2 days post first session. I need the dots to shrink and lighten, my hairline needs bringing forward and I need more density. That will all happen over the next couple of weeks, so I'll post some more photos after my next session.

I wont be posting too often on this thread because I dont want to come across like I'm advertising. If anyone has any questions just drop me a PM.


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