His hairline is imaginary


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That was a pretty cool video tbh. Seems like a fun guy. Hot too, heh

The person insulting that guy for his hair loss is deluded. It's hardly bad at all, and like I said the guy is pretty attractive and his life is probably way cooler than some randy youtube commenter lmao.


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With social media nowadays, I kind of feel like its no longer about having yourself a good time, but about making sure everyone else thinks you've had a great time.



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Yeah..poor choice of words by this very jelly commentor. This dude, in the clip, surely has a hairline. It's just a bit high, is all. Now..I don't have this dudes personality, or looks...but I'm still not gunna leave petty comments on youtube.
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I have to look twice to see that dude even has hair loss. He might have some temple recession if that? My whole front is diffusely thinned out and that looks a lot worse than this. If I had his hairline I don't think that comment would even phase me cause it doesn't look bad. People just grasp at straws to insult others.