Histogen update/criticisim


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Can the brilliant mind share their views on this:

if you don't get the link you can just go to HIstogen under the relevant teratment and find it.

Some guy on the other website reads the update that histogen fails: ( on hair s i t e)


he made the following points below. Please comment (those is for the experts)

need hair asap said:
There's a lot of information which is provided and requires extensive discussion.

1) Duration of Efficacy: Although the patients remained above baseline at the 48 week follow-up, the effects started to wear off by that point: % Change from baseline: 19% (Week 12) compared to 12% (Week 36). This means that patients will need booster shots at least ONCE A YEAR.

Also, isn't it odd how they haven't provided data on % change from baseline for the 48th week even though they did measure it! (Food for thought)

2) Total Hair count in the Temporal Region (temples) increased only by 2.5% at the 48 week follow-up.

3) Therapeutic Window: They found a direct relationship between dose and possible toxicity (Haemoglobin count). Therefore, only so many mL of HSC can be injected at a given session. Otherwise, your Haemoglobin levels may drop and lead to anaemia and other related conditions. This is very important, as it means you cannot get Histogen injected all over your scalp in a single session... HSC will be simply used in your most problematic areas to give you that extra boost in hair density.

4) Safety: using only 8 shots of HSC lead to no abnormal parameters in trial subjects. Furthermore, all reported side effects were mild and transient, which is a big plus.


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thousands of pages written on histogen on this forum alone, and now the final results are out no one says a word?


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I think people aren't too enthusiatic about histogen because they know realize the treatment is gonna be expensive as ****. Someone mentioned on another forum that the cost would be around 4000 per treatment according to some histogen statement/estimate.


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Don't be too hasty yanyan, while I do agree that Histogen is way overhyped, cb-03-01 will be starting phase III trials pretty soon and is our one true shot at a good topical treatment.

uncomfortable man

Senior Member
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Oh, so Histogen failed after so much adue.... you don't say.

But wait! Our savior is just around the corner.

I promise.