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Just got this email

In response to your inquiry, development of HSC is continuing and we look forward to entering the next stage of clinical trials. Histogen is currently focused on completion of preclinical and development work that will allow HSC to move into the next stage of clinical trials. We look forward to sharing updates through the Histogen website in the coming months. If you would like to be added to the HSC interest list, for updates on the trials and plans for subject recruiting, please just let us know.


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So basically, they've been dicking around and will continue to dick around until god knows when until the treatment becomes a commercial product which should have been commercial by now anyway.

Yeah, GREAT progress. </sarcasm>


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So basically, they've been dicking around and will continue to dick around until god knows when until the treatment becomes a commercial product which should have been commercial by now anyway.

Yeah, GREAT progress. </sarcasm>

unfortunately these things take time, they have to find the money and the right participants, but at least they are moving forwards. At least they've not done an Aderans.


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unfortunately these things take time, they have to find the money and the right participants, but at least they are moving forwards. At least they've not done an Aderans.

I don't care for hearing about 'these things take time' or 'another 2-5 years' bullsh*t.

WHAT are they doing all this time? Do they just dabble with an experiment once a month and then go on vacation?


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I don't care for hearing about 'these things take time' or 'another 2-5 years' bullsh*t.

WHAT are they doing all this time? Do they just dabble with an experiment once a month and then go on vacation?

I actually think about that, what do they do each day of the week? Jahoda and co, Histogen, Dr. Cots... scratch that last one, we all know what Cots does and what he does is go back to past studies and lift some crap to spew later on the media as the new potential cure "only" 5 years away.


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I actually think about that, what do they do each day of the week? Jahoda and co, Histogen, Dr. Cots... scratch that last one, we all know what Cots does and what he does is go back to past studies and lift some crap to spew later on the media as the new potential cure "only" 5 years away.

What is YOUR contribution to science each day of the week?


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Now for those who don't know, here's what Histogen is working on:

Histogen's Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC) is a proprietary liquid formula created by the culturing of newborn cells in a simulated embryonic environment of suspension and very low oxygen, and then harvesting the naturally secreted growth factors, proteins and other synergistic bioproducts that are produced.

HSC is currently being developed and evaluated as an injectable for hair growth. The embryonic-like proteins and growth factors within the complex, including follistatin, VEGF and KGF, have been shown to both stimulate resting hair follicles to produce new hair, as well as induce stem cells in the scalp to form new follicles.

This is very interesting because Histogen is basically trying to accomplish what another method (which must not be named) cannot. A little known fact about microneedling is that it worked to restore hair in mice precisely because, in their wounding response, mice released growth factors at something like 100 times the levels humans do. So Histogen is trying to provide humans with the stuff which is known to work to restore dormant follicles, but without the messy wounding and pseudo-science.


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What is YOUR contribution to science each day of the week?

I complain on hair loss forums that out best options finasteride and minoxidil are more than 20 years old and there's nothing better today. What's your contribution?


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I complain on hair loss forums that out best options finasteride and minoxidil are more than 20 years old and there's nothing better today.

So you just complain on hair loss forums while slandering the people who are actually working to solve the problem. Very productive.


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So you just complain on hair loss forums while slandering the people who are actually working to solve the problem. Very productive.

I only slandered the "hair doctor", which hasn't and will not produce anything.


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So you just complain on hair loss forums while slandering the people who are actually working to solve the problem. Very productive.

Even if he did... so what? The criticisms are valid. They're taking way too long to release a product. I haven't heard from anyone why they're taking this long and what they're actually doing on a daily basis that contributes to progress or more apparent the LACK of progress.

uncomfortable man

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I think alot of these researchers don't "care" about our plight. Looking at Costerellis, you really think he really cares? Money is the only thing motivating these people. All you have to do is look back in the history of this section over the years to see how many false alarms with so many attempts always yielding nothing and you can see how this is all just one big game of the boy who cried wolf. I'm sick of it. This **** is driving me crazy... **** hope. There is no hope. Not for us at least. Not in our lifetime. Anyone who is hoping for a cure anytime in their future is setting themselves up for dissapointment.


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Snake oiling was too profitable till the 90's before the advent of the internet as we know it, so there was no real motivation to actually pursuit any real hair loss treatment, both finasteride and minoxidil came by accident almost. It's only recently that we have scientists actually trying to come up with direct hair loss treatments and even then they always put acne first.

Regarding Histogen you can follow their updates here:


They acquired a skin care line of treatments. Nothing about hair, just skin regeneration.


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I only slandered the "hair doctor", which hasn't and will not produce anything.

You are either ignorant (do some reading in the primary literature to fix this) or lack the intellectual capacity to understand the progress that has been made.

Even if he did... so what? The criticisms are valid. They're taking way too long to release a product.

Commercialisation of a product is rarely the obligation of an academic researcher.

Money is the only thing motivating these people. All you have to do is look back in the history of this section over the years to see how many false alarms with so many attempts always yielding nothing and you can see how this is all just one big game of the boy who cried wolf.

You grossly overestimate the amount money available for this kind of research. There are much more lucrative fields to pursue if money is your only goal.


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Commercialisation of a product is rarely the obligation of an academic researcher.

Sure, it may not be THEIR obligation, but what is the purpose of their findings if they don't make for real world use?


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Are you really suggesting that uncovering one of the most important molecular mechanisms responsible for male pattern baldness doesn't make for real world use?

The PGD2 findings are there for anyone else who has the ability to interrogate and further research (be it other university researchers, or private companies).

Science advances by incremental discovery, this is not unique to hair loss or indeed medicine.


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LOL, pre clinical; this gave me quite the chuckle. These big name hair regeneration startups are absolutely worthless. Histogen has been around since 2007/2008 and they are still in preclinical trials? I wouldn't be surprised if finasteride and minoxidil are still the mainstays in treatment in 10 years, however I'm optimistic about cb.


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Did anyone watch The Big Bang Theory last night??

Sheldon asked Kripkey why he dissed String Theory when he was a String Theorist himself -- his answer was "he took research money for a theory that was unprovable and spent it on hookers and blow"..just para-phrasing, but point taken....

...It never really struck me until I heard that...but makes sense...you know you can't solve the problem but pitch it like you can and take the money ...

...I think that sum's it up...


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Yes, Advertisement gimmick tactics or clever marketing enticements have existed for ages. Commercialism pervades every vestibular of human interest. Consumer survival rule number one; generally the more sensationalized a product is the more you can rely on it's unreliability. These days it seems everyone wants to take your money for nothing and so many will achieve this goal dishonorably. We ought to concentrate our energies on founding a nonprofit org. We will call it The Buyer's Beware Club. It's mission will help transform the squirrelly way the world looks.


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Are you really suggesting that uncovering one of the most important molecular mechanisms responsible for male pattern baldness doesn't make for real world use?
I'm suggesting that if they or anyone else let the findings rot away, like they have for the past 20 years, all the findings are useless. How many of the findings have made it into real world use for hair loss? The answer:

An astounding ZERO!

The PGD2 findings are there for anyone else who has the ability to interrogate and further research (be it other university researchers, or private companies).

Science advances by incremental discovery, this is not unique to hair loss or indeed medicine.

Sure, its incremental.. but why is a simple organ like the follicle been dragged on for decades? The other day researchers successfully recreated the female reproductive system.... but a follicle still remains a god damn hurdle? That is a monumental FAILURE.