Hit A Dead End - Can't Diagnose Hair Loss And Sore Scalp


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Hello, I'm a 34 year old female with hair loss for about a year now. I've never had thick hair, but it's never fallen out, with root bulbs, like this. My scalp gets sore and sensitive, red and small patches (I can't see them, but my docs can) of hair loss. I also have this weird spot on my one eyelid that gets dry and sore, like my scalp. I have a cycle where it gets bad, the itching goes down my neck (with no physicial evidence) and I lose a lot of hair. Like, 2/3 of my hair mass in a few months. Then, with no correlating cause, calms down. No more soreness or sensitivity, my eyelid clears up, and the hair loss slows. Doesn't stop, just slows. I've seen my doctor, a dermatologist and an infectious disease doctor. They've done blood work, biopsies of my scalp, screenings for communicable disease, even a chest CT to follow up on a swollen lymph node (it was gone by the scan). They can't come up with anything anymore. I have the most textbook lab work, and no hepatitis, HIV, or syphilis, among the many other things they tested for. So, I'm at a dead end. The only tho g I've found is that hydrocortisone works to temporarily calm an eyelid flare...but not my scalp. Any ideas?


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Do you have scalp scaling or buildup? Psoriasis& Seb derm both cause awful itching.How is your ferritin? I had extreme redness and itching at the beginning of my hair loss. Could have been caused by high estrogen in my case or iron deficiency (or an autoimmune process). Have you had ANA tested? I had luck at times with the following for the itching: apple cider vinegar and water (50/50 dilution), scalpacin, glycerin mixed with water.