HltalkCB's Story (includes pics)


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Well, I'm glad I found this site, and that there are other people my age losing their hair, and that I'm not the only one.

I just turned 22, but my hair started thinning right about when I turned 21. No one else in my family has had hair that started thinning or balding anywhere near my age. I feel so bad about that.

I have been using Neutrogena T-Gel for a long time for itchy scalp, but my doctor assured me that has nothing to do with hair loss. She prescribed me Propecia almost a year ago, but I'm an idiot and I was too embarassed to go find out how much it costs from our pharmacy(I work in healthcare). I finally got up the balls to go ask and fount out a months supply is about $60, which frankly, I don't have the money for.

I ordered 30 tablets of generic finasteride 1mg from rx-mex.com(please let me know if this site is selling sugar pills), because I couldn't find anything negative about them. A month's supply costs about $22, but the pills are MUCH smaller. I really really hope these are real pills.

Should I continue to take these? When should I notice effects if it is real medicine? Should I stop using the Neutrogena and start using Nizoral? How much should I pay for Nizoral if so?

Here are some pics I took today when my hair was still wet. I'm so sick of having hair all over my hands, floor, and towel. The wet hair helps to see the loss better, since I do the whole combing sideways thing when I brush it.

What can I do? I didn't want to start losing my hair, let alone in my early twenties.


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stick on finasteride (ask your Doctor for a proscar RX ?!) and wait at least 6 monhts.


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dude, you should definitely try and go for the buzzed head look. i bet you could pull it off, and you wouldn't notice the sheds and it would be easier to apply topicals if you go that route.


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Trent said:
dude, you should definitely try and go for the buzzed head look. i bet you could pull it off, and you wouldn't notice the sheds and it would be easier to apply topicals if you go that route.
Yes. Buzz it down! Seriously, its MUCH more noticable when you're having this haircut.

Generally, I don't get the idea many male pattern baldness suffers have: I keep my hair long in order to hide the thinning spots.

The result is the straight opposite. Buzz it down!


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These were taken on 2/11/2003, about 2 years ago BEFORE starting to really thin at all. That is a reference for the "buzz" look you guys suggest. I really changed it because of women saying "I prefer longer hair", including my mom, who insisted I looked like a "skinhead".

Back then, I wore short hair by choice, not out of necessity :(

Faces are blurred to protect the innocent(me).

Meh, I'm not so innocent.


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dude you pull it off really well.. i would go back to that while you're on treatments... if they work, you can maybe try growing it out again... but you have to agree, buzz look (which you pull off) is much better than some lifeless long hair?


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Trent said:
dude you pull it off really well.. i would go back to that while you're on treatments... if they work, you can maybe try growing it out again... but you have to agree, buzz look (which you pull off) is much better than some lifeless long hair?
Yeah, I think I'll do it. I really wish I hadn't waited so long. My barber told me around when I turned 21 "wow, you look like you're thinning on top". I wish I hadn't waited so long to do something about it. If you're here and someone told you you're thinning, go to your doctor NOW and ask them about your options.

My doctor did lab tests on me first to make sure it wasn't hormone/chemical problems before prescribing Propecia to me.

Do you guys know anything bad about rx-mex.com? There's no reason for me to take drugs that aren't drugs while my time wastes away, but I also see no reason to pay 3x the price for the same ingredients.

My doctor is actually an excellent doctor and well known in my area; I seriously doubt she'd prescibe Proscar for me, even if I asked her really nicely.

"Dr. Moses, would you prescribe me Proscar? I don't want to pay a shitload for Propecia, and I'll cut it into 4th's for 1.25mg a day or attempt to cut it into 5ths and hope it doesn't go flying everywhere attempting to get 1mg."

I don't think that would fly with her, unfortunately.

I'll try to remember to update this page monthly, or bi-monthly or something, but if I buzz it, I don't think you'd be able to tell a difference, or for that matter, how will I tell a difference. Right now when I have it brushed and hair sprayed in the morning, I can conceal it fairly well, and I've had no one notice except for my barber, even though you can see the loss well when it's wet. Obviously, I won't be swimming in public any time soon :(


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yup.. i wish i would have started maybe a year ago... i would have been more than content maintaining what i had then... then bam, six months ago, it just looked bad all the sudden.. it just creeps on ya, then you're flustered just trying to get where you were only a few months ago. male pattern baldness is one hell of an opponent, but patience and consistency are your best bet man. if i were in your situation, i would ask around on this forum about legit generic stuff online if money is an issue. Get yourself some nizoral, i don't know about everyone else but i got mine for 14 bucks, and i'm not even CLOSE to finishing the bottle and its been 2 months, get some minoxidil (if you REALLY think its a pain in the ***, just at least apply it once a day) and keep a positive attitude. i wish to god i could buzz my hair like you, i just don't have the face for it. oh well.


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What % nizoral do I need?

Aren't there different minoxidil since it's OTC now? Is there ones that are cheaper/better than Rogaine? Does minoxidil really do any good if you only do it once a day? If you regain hair with minoxidil and you maintain with finasteride, why do you need to do minoxidil forever?


Established Member
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hltalkcb said:
What % nizoral do I need?

Aren't there different minoxidil since it's OTC now? Is there ones that are cheaper/better than Rogaine? Does minoxidil really do any good if you only do it once a day? If you regain hair with minoxidil and you maintain with finasteride, why do you need to do minoxidil forever?

2% nizoral is the best. I got mine at very fair price, and very quickly from canadapharmacy.com (no prescription needed)

I'll field these queries. :)

There are generic minoxidil, people seem to say Kirkland minoxidil is pretty good. All generics are cheaper than Rogaine, I believe. There is also "Dr. Lee's minoxidil" which dries faster. Look into that.

minoxidil is best if used 2x a day. Once a day would just cut down on the effectiveness. If you quit on minoxidil the hair it has regrown will not last long, unfortunately.

Hair regrown with minoxidil is not the kind that is maintained with finasteride (this is the very short answer). The combination of the two products are your best bet for improving the situation up top.


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When should I expect to see results, either a shed or growth? I'd rather keep taking the generic that I'm taking if it will work, if for nothing else than to assure would-be customers of rx-mex.

In other words, when should I assume that I got shafted.

What's a good place to get the Dr. Lee's minoxidil?

What other fun abbreviations in the "biz" should I learn, other than nizoral, finasteride, minoxidil, and male pattern baldness?

Are transplants an option at my age? I have no clue how much it would cost, but I'm sure I could get a loan that would last a really long time, since I have excellent credit. Yes, I know the responses are going to be "you can save what you have, blah blah blah, but I don't want to end up looking like my dad, who consequently started going bald LONG after 22 years old.

I'll post pictures of him perhaps at a later date when I can blur him too. My mom has no noticable hair loss, and she is 51, my dad is 52, and is NW7 or whatever the worst is. Hey, another acronym/abbreviation!


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hltalkcb said:
These were taken on 2/11/2003, about 2 years ago BEFORE starting to really thin at all. That is a reference for the "buzz" look you guys suggest. I really changed it because of women saying "I prefer longer hair", including my mom, who insisted I looked like a "skinhead".

Back then, I wore short hair by choice, not out of necessity :(

Faces are blurred to protect the innocent(me).

Meh, I'm not so innocent.

Never take your mom's advice on matters of style!

-Go to a good Hair stylist

-Be upfront, tell her/him that long hair no longer suits you because of some loss, and you want something short and flattering

Long hair only brings attention to loss.

When you have long hair (particularly on the sides) it brings attention to how thin it is elsewhere.