Holy spironolactone Shed


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Ive searched through some of the threads on this board but it doesnt seem that alot of people have trucked through one of these heavy spironolactone shed's

Im wondering if I should stay on this...the sheds been worse than a minoxidil shed that I had back when I was using it

Its DEFINATELY the spironolactone because its the only thing Im on


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Nope no shedding on spironolactone and I use it twice a day. In fact if anything my sheddig has dropped big time.


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Gardner, how long did your spironolactone shed last? I had a BRUTAL shed from 2% spironolactone that lasted almost 3 months and forced me to discontinue it.

The Gardener

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I have had sheds off and on for the duration of my regimen. Some last for a week, some last for a few days. Nevertheless, my hair continues to improve. Starting any hair treatment usually causes some shedding in your hair. I got mine about the second week, and it continued for a week or so and slowly tapered off until I did not notice it anymore. Regardless of that, everyone sheds at different times and for different lengths. Some get several small sheds spaced out over time. Still others might not see any shedding at all for a while, and then it suddenly kicks in. No matter what the shed pattern, it is a sign that medication is taking root and you really have to be patient with all of these treatments that we discuss here.

The sheds you get in the early days of your regimen, I know, are very scary and may cause you to start doubting. But, keep in mind that hairs will not thicken in the course of a life of a particular hairshaft. In order for that hair to become thick, it has to first be shed and allow the follicle to start growing a NEW hair from scratch. Steady as she goes, bud. Stay persistent, don't get sloppy in the early days of your regimen, and just wait it out and allow it the 4-6 months needed before making any judgements.[/code]


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I had a continuous slow shed from spironolactone-using it alone as a single agent.

Even though i was shedding, I was clearly experiencing a lot of regrowth, which indicated the shedding was a result of my follicles going into anagen-growth phase-which was pushing the old telegen hairs out of their follicles causing them to shed. This is a good thing.

When I added a copper peptide and minoxidil 5% 1x/day, I haven't shed since...It's been over a year now, and i lose less hair than the non-balding person-which is less than 100 hairs/day.


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The Gardener said:
Yes, spironolactone made me shed too when I first got on it. Stick with it.

i shed like crazy with this sh*t and stopped after only 2.5 weeks
i asked dr lee and he said i might have some sort of allergic reaction to
it itched like hell as well but no redness

hmmmmmmmmmm????? :?


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JesusFreak said:
i lose less hair than the non-balding person-which is less than 100 hairs/day.

What does that mean? Not that it particularly matters but I can't conceive a non-balding man losing a 100 hairs a day. I think it's a common misconception that just continues to get perpetuated. I know before I started balding I didn't lose more then 50 hairs a day, with no exceptions.

The Gardener

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Everybody sheds.

The difference between OUR sheds and the non-male pattern baldness person's sheds is that when the non-male pattern baldness person looks down at the shower floor and sees hairs, they don't think twice about it.

Whereas when we see those hairs, we react in a completely different manner.