I know there are some exceptions, but i still don't care what you guys think about this one since there seems to be hundreds of thousands of anecdotal evidence including mine. My country has high as f*** rates of baldness, yet whenever i see a homeless person they seem to always have a thick NW0. Like i understand that not all people go to NW7 or have strong balding genes, but seriously not even a "mature" NW2, or a NW1, or even some thinning as they're old as f***, but literally a 13 yo ultra thick NW0? How is that sh*t possible? Why 95% of them are that way? There's no other demographic where 95% of guys in their 50's have thick NW0. It also seems to be the case in other countries as well, as there are thousands upon thousands of similar reports as i explained before. I know that baldness is genetic, but isn't anyone else extremely curious about this mystery?
I feel like we don't really know jackshit about how this disease works
I feel like we don't really know jackshit about how this disease works