Hop on a plane after hair transplant surgery?


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Hey guys I was wondering if I should stay a few days in my hotel after surgery to give the graphs a chance to heal or do you think I'll be alright boarding an airplane the day after?


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3-5 nights you should stay in the hotel.

If under 6 hours 3 is fine

over 6 5 days.

That's exactly what my pre, and post operation package outlines.


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under 6 hour flight: 3 days
Over 6 hour flight: 5 days


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No you might want to delay your air flight and observe the fact that "the air is thinner up there". For we don't know how this will compromise/effect your hair transplant regrowth.

- - - Updated - - -

Merely kidding.


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Ask your doctor about flying.

Are you getting FUE or strip excision? If you are getting strip, you are near Hasson & Wong in Vancouver, and you could take a train or drive. They do FUE but only started recently, so they still need experience. However, they have a good reputation if you want a strip taken.


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I am not sure there is much evidence to support the notion of not flying after hair transplant. Many people travel for hair transplant and to stay in a hotel for 3 nights after surgery sounds like a long time. I think if you are doing ok 24-48 after surgery you should be fine to fly, especially if the flight is just a few hours.


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ive been talking to a couple patients at this guest house im staying at, and both of them are flying home after two days.

i do believe the 3-6 is a general guide line.


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Do not stay in your hotel 3 to 5 days. Board a plane the next day. If you had more than 50 grafts at the hairline your face will swell two to three days after the procedure. hair transplant doctors won't tell you this. They say you can return to work the next day or two which is true if you don't need to see because your eyes will be swelled shut and you want to look like a grotesque freak.


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Do not stay in your hotel 3 to 5 days. Board a plane the next day. If you had more than 50 grafts at the hairline your face will swell two to three days after the procedure. hair transplant doctors won't tell you this. They say you can return to work the next day or two which is true if you don't need to see because your eyes will be swelled shut and you want to look like a grotesque freak.
depends how you sleep.

When I slept on a 45 degree angle i had zero swelling.

When I slept on my side, I ended up waking up not able to see out of one eye. All the swelling shifted on the right side of my face within the nose, and eye region.


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Swelling depends on the individual person, what kind of transplant (strip is much more likely to result in swelling than FUE) and how many grafts.

If you look a little swollen on the plane, who cares. None of those people know what you look like without swelling. As far as they know, you look like that all the time. Also, you'll never see any of those people again.

I think this is a question that should be answered by the clinic you're hiring.