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it's been 7 months since the day of surgery, set new hope towards a full hair restoration which I dreamed of it over 18 years of the relentless battle against my hair loss.
Finally I found the hand to bring cure!

in my early stages like everyone panic of his first hairs pulled in the brush, in the towel or left on the pillow, starts to do everything just to stop it! and again like everyone I've started with snakeoils, vitamins.....etc. Sure nothing worked. That time there wasn't the poison/propecia yet in the market to try it at that age!
At 28 I started with Minoxidil, the first 4 months I was happy, in 6 months I started to lose some of newly grown hairs. But I must say it helped me a bit so I continued with it up to date, I'm 39 now. During this long and sever period of time I continue to run to the pharmacy as soon as I hear/see any ad. of some new product with rubbish before and after pics. I was born and killed every time with every new product! You live the hope over 4 to 6 months sleep with it, wake up with it..... at the end you reach the crash point. The massive emotional impact deepened day by day spoiling my life, resulted in, me hypertensive, addicted on sleeping pills and a lot more. Since my teenage I started to attract tons of chicks, I used to cherish my appearance! All cheers faded and too early, I've poured lot of tears, but all in vain.

In my 34 I started to look in the surgery solution as a final resort! that time I lived in Kuwait so I started to search and read I've ended with some Doctor in Turkey picked his name of one of the forums, I was naive enough to plan a surgery by him, flied to Istanbul get butchered by him the next day, it was the classic strip method with +2500 FUs, flied back to Kuwait with a big pain in the head, but with new hope!.....After 6 months.... nothing, 8,9, 1year, 18 months.... also nothing. I felt it was the end, really I wished to die. Lots of people in some other forums strongly blamed me as I'm a diffuse thinner so a shock loss is more potential in my case, I got some but didn't add much to my sorrow!

I've started with propecia according to people's advice at the forums. 3 years later low erection and less body hair but no improvement in the scalp, balding continued.
Shave it? and forget about it, as many people say! I know it doesn't go with my face, however, I did it, but the scar in the back was terrible!
I did everything possible but nothing!! I'm still not convinced and can't be accept the fact that am bald, I hate look in the mirror, avoid lights, shops mirrors bring lot of sadness and tension, I want to do something but what can I do hairpiece?! it's funny and of course unnatural! spraying my head black... What exactly can I do?! But I must do.

I lost my job in Kuwait and according to the political and security circumstances in my country (Iraq), I left to Belgium, I Know that many well-reputed hair transplant doctors based in this country. So, I've started to think again of the surgical solution with lot of skepticism due to the fact of non-growth. The high cost also can make it unaffordable. I’ve started my researches over Docs here, I’ve highlighted 3 names ad fixed consultation dates. The Docs were; Devroye, ********, Feriduni.
The first consultation was with Dr.Devroye, he was not convincing at all, he told me about two cases of his patients with no growth after surgery, honestly I was scared and I have the right to be, I have experience with it! And also I didn’t like the way he dealed with me he had no time to hear and answer all of my questions, so I put an X
Now I have 2 names. The next consult. was with Dr.********, I can say he was attentive and he answered all of my questions. However he couldn’t eliminate my fears! And I was scared to read one or two stories of his unhappy patients!
The 3rd With Dr.Feriduni he was really nice guy and welcoming, we talked about everything and his attitude is very encouraging to talk to him about all of your concerns. I left with comfort, he was confidant of his job and the most what I really liked, I felt he was willing to help.
I fixed another consult. With him just to be sure before deciding, and as I wished my feelings were confirmed, moreover I felt that he was thinking as it was his problem, offering many options.
The grand decision;
With no hesitance, we planned a hair transplant with dr.Feriduni, it was strip to correct the scar and small number of BHT as a test, to find new donor source rather than my exhausted scalp!
The grafts number extracted were around 1400 + 200 BHT from chest + 20 beard H
The surgery went smoothly and the post-op following up by the Doctor and his staff was also excellent. But I must say that the ladies just all women they like to talk and chat together and for long time it was a bit annoying but it was just wanted them to finish their job.
The way of healing then the shedding of grafted hair everything went as I was informed, so the early signs were perfect, I had the feeling of growth is coming!
This surgery was followed by a minor one of 200 FUE scalp + 200 beard.
In about the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] month –of the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] op- I started to detect some result and some hairs coming out, I was glad with every new hair sprouting, I wished that I had more hairs to transplant to cover all of my head, the Doctor has reconstructed my hairline and filled in my right temple as it was empty more than the left side. The bad thing was the scar as I developed a hypertrophic scar, it was fine in two weeks post-op but tended to be itching and there was redness and later it started swelling, but I’m not really scared, the doctor is very reliable and promised to solve it out with him, I’m undergoing some treatment in his clinic and things going better.
He also promised to work together until the full restoration, I really like him, and I’m glad so far with lot of hopes ahead!
It's been 7 months by now.
Here is my before and after;


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Experienced Member
My Regimen
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good luck with this, things will certainly get better from here on in. It is looking like an improvement already


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Thanks JDW, it's been +8 monthes I'll make a visit to the doctor at his clinic to in 2 weeks, we designed another hair transplant next jun it would be BHT, my scalp is already exhausted, I guess I need 4000 BH all over the head and a bit lower the hairline to go better with my face, let me see what he will say about it
I'll post new pics soon.


Established Member
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I just had my first hair transplant last week. 2400 grafts FUT in the frontal quarter and mid scalp area. I will eventually want to go back and get the crown filled in. I have a good amount of body hair so I was thinking about using this. In your research, is BHT hair as successful as scalp hair? Also, do you think it would look good doing the crown solely with Body Hair? Thank you and good luck.


Established Member
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I totally agree with Ben. Body or beard grafts must always be used mixed with head grafts. I have done this and thus I can understand it.


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I think coarse shrubs much better than plain desert. It depend's on what you have in your scalp, sufficiant donor I mean, in which quality? .....etc
In my case my donor is exhausted, so I'll rely on my body hair. I planed a full BHT supposed to be in january, I got an email from the doctor last friday, appologising to not to be able to do it in the fate and he asked me to reschedule it in jun, without any explainations. I emailed him back and still waiting for the response if any! I'm quite disappointed right now. The hairline is not up to my expectations at all. I'll keep you updated possibly withe pics


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it has been long time since I was here, I'm still struggling with my hairloss and with Dr.Feriduni;
I invite you to read my latest by clicking on this link
I'd like to share my story with you all!

- - - Updated - - -

ok the link is band with the website, just wanted interested people to share me this experience at Feriduni clinic, whether someone else had such experience with Dr.Feriduni


Senior Member
My Regimen
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I will be looking at BtH in the future. It can work as good filler for density.

Right now Im keeping my fingers crossed mine comes in soon, the shock loss just recently hit me and my head is looking so thin in front.


Senior Member
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I am excited about any of the hair transplant surgeons whom are seriously open to integrating body hair as a complimentary source of hair transplantation. I think it is still an overlooked viable resource. Just throwing this idea out there; How realistic would it be to genetically manipulate b.h. to behave more like our donor hair?


Senior Member
My Regimen
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I am excited about any of the hair transplant surgeons whom are seriously open to integrating body hair as a complimentary source of hair transplantation. I think it is still an overlooked viable resource. Just throwing this idea out there; How realistic would it be to genetically manipulate b.h. to behave more like our donor hair?

Ive read online that (grain of salt mind you) once leg or chest hair is transplanted it will slowly begin to take the characteristics more of scalp hairs. Though the main reason behind not using body hair right away is that ll scalp follicles contains more than one hair while body hair follicles are one hair per.

I still plan on using body hair eventually, if this first hair transplant turns out okay cause I really want more density.

Ive even thought about buying the punches and pens and trying to do a few myself. Honestly it doesnt seem super hard, the hardest part seems like knowing how to place the hairs really. I bet I can train one of my friends (one in particular) to plant them for me.


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Punch size is also always important to consider. As long as you are using proper sterilization methods and ultra conservative grafting sessions there is something delightfully daring about your do-it -yourself notion. Once this technique is mastered it would pretty much mean a cure for me. Assuming I'll be still be alive by then(with faculties intact).


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Ive read online that (grain of salt mind you) once leg or chest hair is transplanted it will slowly begin to take the characteristics more of scalp hairs. Though the main reason behind not using body hair right away is that ll scalp follicles contains more than one hair while body hair follicles are one hair per.

I still plan on using body hair eventually, if this first hair transplant turns out okay cause I really want more density.

Ive even thought about buying the punches and pens and trying to do a few myself. Honestly it doesn't seem super hard, the hardest part seems like knowing how to place the hairs really. I bet I can train one of my friends (one in particular) to plant them for me.
what's the punches and pens? if i know the technic I can do it even better than the doctor.

I've used BH for my hairline even, the first operation with Feriduni has been followed with for miner ones of BH only, one of them was to correct the hairline design, and the rest for filling in the crown and in the frontal part of head, i can't say it's wow, but now I have better experience and knowledge to better employ them in any future operation. My problem with Dr.Feriduni now that he s not paying much intention, this process of hair Restoration with BH must be continuous, because Dr.Feriduni makes as small BH operations as +600 fus. which is not enough by itself. he cancelled one operation planed in july and not replying, I phoned them but no one gave me an answer... I'll need to go to them without appointment, this is the only way, the deal with him was to start with FUT and then continue with BHT until the full Restoration. He starts to withdraw, my head from the top looks spotty. I'll post more photos soon, on my return cause i'm on trip now.

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I am excited about any of the hair transplant surgeons whom are seriously open to integrating body hair as a complimentary source of hair transplantation. I think it is still an overlooked viable resource. Just throwing this idea out there; How realistic would it be to genetically manipulate b.h. to behave more like our donor hair?

If your donor area is already exhausted, then take this option is not bad provided that it must be well manipulated and must be DENSELY implanted to give somewhat natural look.


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Judging from your earlier pics, a concealer like toppik or nanogen could thinken your hair right up.


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Judging from your earlier pics, a concealer like toppik or nanogen could thinken your hair right up.
if we undergo an operation then to have the minimum acceptable thickness on the head, using concealers thereafter making no sense, I could use it before and save money and time.


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I don't know what to make of Dr. Feriduni's seemingly unprofessional neglect, recalling other posters whom have shared their accounts and whom are former patients of his, it would cause me to think that his avoidance is out of character. What physician will you go to if he proves unsatisfactory?
what's the punches and pens? if i know the technic I can do it even better than the doctor.

I've used BH for my hairline even, the first operation with Feriduni has been followed with for miner ones of BH only, one of them was to correct the hairline design, and the rest for filling in the crown and in the frontal part of head, i can't say it's wow, but now I have better experience and knowledge to better employ them in any future operation. My problem with Dr.Feriduni now that he s not paying much intention, this process of hair Restoration with BH must be continuous, because Dr.Feriduni makes as small BH operations as +600 fus. which is not enough by itself. he cancelled one operation planed in july and not replying, I phoned them but no one gave me an answer... I'll need to go to them without appointment, this is the only way, the deal with him was to start with FUT and then continue with BHT until the full Restoration. He starts to withdraw, my head from the top looks spotty. I'll post more photos soon, on my return cause i'm on trip now.

- - - Updated - - -

If your donor area is already exhausted, then take this option is not bad provided that it must be well manipulated and must be DENSELY implanted to give somewhat natural look.


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I don't know what to make of Dr. Feriduni's seemingly unprofessional neglect, recalling other posters whom have shared their accounts and whom are former patients of his, it would cause me to think that his avoidance is out of character. What physician will you go to if he proves unsatisfactory?
To which surgeon I haven't thought about it, can you suggest names? I'll be more patient with him and see'
can you provide me with do-it-yourself method?


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I am sorry I am simply incapable of assisting you in this delicate matter. Not because I am unwilling to do so, but rather because I lack the personal experience that affords me the needed competence as well as confidence to refer you to the best hair transplant surgeon. The do- it- yourself method I responded to may have been a bit reckless of me in retrospect. At this juncture there is no acceptable and/or safe working manual available that I have knowledge to offer. I hope you get your surgeon inquiry sufficiently answered and your present issue(s) finally resolved. Keep sharing.