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Hello All,

I wanted to give you an update since my last post on cold therapy.

First, I am absolutely convinced that male pattern baldness is the direct result of hypoxic blood failing to supply hair follicles with the necessary oxygen for maintenance and growth. The reasons why people enter into these hypoxic states is something that I am still coming to a higher understanding of and willing to discuss, but I am done debating the role of hypoxia.

Second, I continued with my ice head baths and apple cidar vinegar treatments for a few weeks after that post, but ultimately I decided to give them up not because I thought they weren't working at all, but because I found them to be inefficient and so I began experimenting with new ideas.

One thing that i have done since then which I think has made an enormous difference not only on my hair by my overall health is to crack my window open at night. It was amazing how much better I would feeling waking up when my room was getting a constant supply of fresh oxygen as I was sleeping. Even if it was freezing cold in my room I would still wake up feeling better than if I had shut the window completely and kept all the heat in.

The second thing I have been doing which is also having a tremendously positive effect not only on my hair but on my health is that I am really taking the time to consciously ensure that I do not enter into "chronic stress" states where my cortisol levels skyrocket. This is extremely difficult at time and I realize for many of you due to work and home stress it may be nearly impossible to eliminate it entirely, but I can tell you that since I have been doing this I almost never get that "weak hair" feeling that I'm sure many of you are familiar with.

The last thing I have been doing which if nothing else stimulates the scalp and gets a lot of highly oxygenated blood rushing to it is to do headstands immediately after long distance running. By immediately, I mean within a few seconds of finishing a run of 4 to 6 miles. You will feel a wave of hot blood rush to your scalp and this forces the capillaries to expand in order to cool the head and because you have been running the blood will be highly oxygenated. I will usually maintain the pose until my head no longer feels hot.

I have noticed considerable improvement in my crown where I most recently noticed my hair was thinning (after a period of being in chronic hypoxic states for week I should note). It isn't growing back super fast or anything like that, but the hair that i have all over the top of my scalp is definitely stronger and healthier looking than it used to be and more important than that is that my scalp and hair just feel good. I don't have any feelings of having "weak hair" and because of this almost all of my insecurity about having some male pattern baldness is nearly gone.

Another thing I should note which I think many of you will find interesting and which suggests to me that I am on the path to regrowth is that I no longer lose any of my longer stronger hairs anymore. I used to lose 100 or more per day in the shower, but now all I see coming out is these little smaller hairs and I may notice a thicker hair fall out like once a week. This seems consistent with the type of shedding people see after starting Rogaine before they start experiencing regrowth.

One more thing, I have not ejaculated more than twice a month this year and never more frequently than 18 days apart.

Even if I don't regrow a single hair I would still continue these habits because I feel better than I've ever felt in my life, the hair would just be a bonus.

Thank you for listening and if you take away anything from this post please consider my claims about hypoxia.

Stay Vital,


My Regimen
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o.k... do you have any pictures? If you are convinced it is not androgens miniaturizing the follicle in Androgenetic Alopecia, then do you care to explain how some people almost completely reverse their Androgenetic Alopecia when reducing them, with finasteride/dutasteride/ru??


Senior Member
My Regimen
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I'm considering adding in ice therapy where I merely dump an a bag of ice on top of my head once a week.


My Regimen
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I'm considering adding in ice therapy where I merely dump an a bag of ice on top of my head once a week.

David, I have been putting an ice pack on my head every night. idk if it does anything, but it feels amazing


Senior Member
My Regimen
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David, I have been putting an ice pack on my head every night. idk if it does anything, but it feels amazing

I've been doing it to my feet every so often, to help my feet heal from too much running.

It feels awful while the feet are in the ice. Then ... twenty minutes later ... wow.


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o.k... do you have any pictures? If you are convinced it is not androgens miniaturizing the follicle in Androgenetic Alopecia, then do you care to explain how some people almost completely reverse their Androgenetic Alopecia when reducing them, with finasteride/dutasteride/ru??

Some people think DHT is the direct cause but DHT alone might not be sufficient to lead to male pattern baldness. Consider the pattern of baldness and try linking them to people's skull shapes, their head structure, the condition of their scalp, etc. Do people really go bald just because "the follicles in certain areas of their scalp are sensitive to DHT"? I personally reserve some doubt for that... Maybe when your scalp has sufficient blood supply, DHT is simply not enough to destroy your hair, just like those on the back of your head.

Just my personal thinking anyway...

- - - Updated - - -

consciously ensure that I do not enter into "chronic stress" states where my cortisol levels skyrocket.

I tried that too before. It sure works a bit. Or to say, in the opposite way, I always lose a lot more under heavy stress, which is common sense more or less.

It's just impossible for a man in my profession to be free from stress :( I wonder how you manage to do that. Give us some tips maybe?

And going off-topic for a sec: remember my worries about CB-03-01 and cortisol related sides?


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i dont think that running and handstand will give you any great results. i ve been doing professional sports and it didnt give me any hair back even when blood rushed to my head all the time.

you should probably try deep friction massages to the scalp. This gives you a a blood rush into your scalp and also counteracts fibrotic processes which block blood supply to the hair follice.