
How Bad Am I Balding? 18 Years Old Worried

Randy Buck

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I am 18 years old and am worried about my hair situation. I feel like I am balding and it's really bugging me because I'm not sure how worried I should be. My dad still has a pretty thick head of hair but it is receded a bit. There aren't really any bald people in my family so I'm worrying? I have a twin (not identical) brother and from what I can tell his hair isn't receding and has no minaturized hairs (another thing I'm worried about). So I'm wondering what's going on, I have anxiety a bit and stress a lot but I honestly doubt that's the case so I'm wondering how bad it is and if I should be worried? Thank you!


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Dealing With It

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There are way too many factors for hair loss. Genetics being one of them but stress being another main factor. Since you are 18 it is way too hard to tell from my point of view it looks like it's shaping up to be a 'mature' hairline. You may want to take biotin if you are worried.

Randy Buck

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So you're saying stress could be the cause of my hairline? Also, where would you put me on the Norwood scale? Does hair loss from stress grow back?

Dealing With It

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So you're saying stress could be the cause of my hairline? Also, where would you put me on the Norwood scale? Does hair loss from stress grow back?

Stress can be an underlying cause. The problem is guys tend to stress about their receding and speed up the process of balding. You would be around a "1.5". Norwood 1 is no sign of receding, Norwood 2 would have extreme thinning or balding around the temple area where it would "round off" near the middle, therefore you're inbetween. Don't stress as I was 16 when I had a hairline like yours and I'm 26 and still got the same amount of hair :)