Hello. My hair is thinning in the temples. It all started right after my dog died and before that I was stressed as it is and I use to over masterbait and go sleep at 3am. Before the thinning I was a stable norwood 1.5 or 2. I noticed the thinning around last December and it got more noticeable around april the same time I tried this Dr Organic hair shampoo and had a really bad allergic reaction. Which took my scalp months to recover from. The thining has stayed the same in the temples since April. There is no bolding in any of my family, uncles ect. My brothers are all older than me and they are all solid norwood 1s. How bad is my hair loss? Is my crown ok? Is it genetic or is it due to stress and could I recover or get worse in time. I am going to sleep earlier now and have been eating healthy since 18 and listen to peaceful music to lower stress.
I have attached photos of my crown, temples ect. Please be as honest as possible. Thank you