How bad is Rogaine Shedding?


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Is shedding from rogaine only noticeable to the person using it, or will other people be able to notice it too?

Man in Space

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Its totally variable. Some people dont even shed. My shed wasnt terrible but i was definately losing more than before, it was quite evident to me as i am a slow receder and had never really shed before. I have an otherwise full head of hair aside from thin patches in my hairline and they went vitually bald but they were very thin before. A few people who have known me for years during this time asked me if i was receding, it may just have been a coincidence as i had a dodgy haircut at the time that did not help. The hairs have though come back thicker and darker plus ive regrown new ones. Now people are commenting on my hair looking good and it is falling better with the new hair so i guess in my case it was kind of noticible.

Are you on it or thinking about using it?


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I've been thinking about using it for the thin hair on the top of my head. Im just worried about the shedding part.

Man in Space

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Well good luck whatever you decide. I was worried about the first few months but decided to do it as i knew i was going to lose that hair in the next couple of years anyway and so i might as well give it a go and im glad i did.


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I don't even know what other people seem to mean by "shedding" (including the two posts from "Man in Space", which completely baffle me). I've never noticed anything unusual happening to my scalp after using Rogaine, or any other similar treatment.

Man in Space

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Apologies for baffling you Bryan, I thought it was completely clear. I had thin areas within my hairline which is the reason I got on Meds, I applied rogaine foam to these areas and these practically dead hairs left my head in pretty much the space of a month. They have now all grown back thicker and it is darker as well as they had previously lost their pigmentation.

As a slow receder with an otherwise dense head of hair, I had never lost many hairs in the shower, I could brush my hair without losing any. When I got on the meds to begin with every time i put my hands in my hair i would have in the region of 5-10 hairs come loose every time I touched it, this had never happened before and has not happened since that first month. When I would wash my hair, instead of there being 10 hairs in the sink, it was much more like 50. It was very noticible to me that more hairs were leaving my head than usual, but it was not horrifying or anything, still i was glad when it stopped. I think Shed is too drastic a word for this process anyway.

Im not sure if by describing my posts as completely baffling you were meaning to belittle my experience as negligible because simply you havent experienced this but it came across that way. I can assure you as someone who is perfectly rational about his hairloss and not inclined to over reacting or assuming a phenomenon is occuring to me because i have seen it talked about on forums, that there was a discernable increase in the volume of hair i lost before it grew back, it may not have been your experience but it was definitively mine, im sure an intelligent person such as yourself can comprehend that.


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Nope, I've never had any similar experience.

Man in Space

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Sorry, that I experienced faster hair loss than usual is beyond your comprehension?

I never suggested you experienced it, In fact in my initial post I made above i explained how variable it was and that some people dont experience it at all, so your thats totally in line with what i said. I just fail to see how what im saying is completely baffling. I get the feeling you are implicitly trying to discredit my experience but I could just be paranoid.


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Out of curiosity do you guys think using rogaine is a hassle or is it worth it?


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Man in space I've had a very similar experience. I've been on foam for two and a half months (finasteride for 7-8) and have certainly lost a whole lot of density in the areas I apply rogaine as well as faster recession. I'm now starting to notice vellus hairs pop up all over the place. I'm hoping these become terminal and with the help of finasteride believe they will. My hair is overall less thick however and has become so at a rate faster than normal. I heard for most success stories it was the 3-4th month that people saw aesthetic differences. Would you say the same for yourself?


i have shed 3Years without End
my Hair is destroyed from this :puke: