How detectable are they?


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How obvious is it when you get a piece? Would a girl notice easily if she ran her hands through your hair (piece)?

Or would she have to look at it very closely?


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Not obvious at all. If you match your skin color exactly, she can't see it. But I think most guys would be a fraction of a shade off. If that is the case for you, she can see it if she parts your hair and gets withing 6 inches or less and is looking for it.

As for feel, again not obvious. If you are really feeling for it, and have one hand on skin and the other on lace, you will notice the lace is rougher. But if you just touch the lace, without something to compare it to that second, you could easily mistake it for skin.

As for the edge, it is so thin you can't feel it, unless it is lifted a bit from not being glued down right, or you can feel the glue through the lace.

The technology is fanastic. Just attaching it is the hard part. That is why I now recommend super thin skin for the perimeter. Not sure how it looks or feels though since I have not bought any. Obvously you'd have to match the color even more closely. I just want it for the easy attachment.


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A high quality piece is undetectable visually. And in most cases, if it is attached properly, it is undetectable to touch also. Nevertheless, if I were you, I wouldn't encourage her to run her fingers through your hair...


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I got my piece out today and put it on my hand. I could not see the lace against my finger. I ran a finger over it too. Not easy to feel either. Could not see or feel knots. But the hair did not shoot out of the scalp the way natural hair does. It did not lookk fake. No give aways. But it was what I was not seeing that might be an issue, which is why some people get I-lace. Skin pieces also have a good "growing out of scalp" look too.

I'm looking at my transplants right now, and wondering if I did some BHT if they would be thick enough. Probably not as thick as I want, and probably very expensive. And I'd have to stop my laser removal while my leg hair is still thick, and would have to worry about scars. But on the other hand, I would never have to take it on or off or shave or worry about lift or chemicals every again.

If you are NW4 or 5, definitely go for the piece. If I did not have grafts on my head already, it would be the obvious way for me to go. But with the thought of grafts always growing up each day like stubble under my attachment, giving me 1/4 milimeter of lift each day that she can catch a finger nail on, I think maybe in my case I might be better off just finishing what I started. If I could put all the grafts back and get a refund, I'd use the money on a hair piece. But right now, I think maybe getting 1200+ BHT and going from 1/3 density to 2/3 density might be better for me. I would not have the super hair a hair piece would give me, but it would be dones with.


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CCS said:
the thought of grafts always growing up each day like stubble under my attachment, giving me 1/4 milimeter of lift each day that she can catch a finger nail on.

Who is 'she'? You're thinking too far ahead.


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Thanks guys. I am 28 yo and a Norwood 3 at the moment but diffuse all over and getting worse every day. Have been on propecia and now dutasteride and they are now failing big time so preparing myself for the next few years... Until HM comes along.

Couple more questions:

1. So you are saying it is best to be slick bald underneath before getting a system? Otherwise the hair underneath just pushes it up.

2. Do you feel really self concious wearing it? Do your friends and family notice and make comments?


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If you are thinning, you are better off getting it now. I just said if you were slick bald, it would be easier. I don't know how much your hair will lift the edges. But it might, and can be annoying. How much hair you have under the piece just depends on your standards and what you can do.