How do I know my Cipla finasteride is already working?

Bone Daddy

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Eyebrows thinning
Extra dose of arm hair thinning
Nose hairs not sprouting daily
Ear hair not sprouting daily
Sexual ups/downs
General shed over all areas of head since starting week 04

So, I give you more evidence, that finasteride is finasteride.

Snobs.. :hairy:

not me!

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I just want to reitterate how dangerous it is to judge a medication's effectiveness by side-effect alone.


social_drinker said:
I just want to reitterate how dangerous it is to judge a medication's effectiveness by side-effect alone.

Hair growth is a side effect of Minoxidil when used as a blood pressure medication.

Blood Pressure modulation is a side effect of Minoxidil when used as a hair growth medication.

Hair growth is a side effect of Finasteride when used as a prostate medication.

Prostate modulation is a side effect of Finasteride when used as a hair growth medication.

I would say 'Side-effects' are very good way to judge efficacy of a medication.

not me!

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You can play with semantics all you would like.

The purpose of the medication that he is in inquiry about is hair growth. That is the desired effect, thus any other effect that the medication takes on is a side effect for this purpose.

Now that we have that cleared up, would you like to provide proof (other than a very-likely placebo-effect based decreased libido) that Finpecia, Fincar or any other foreign-made Finasteride works?


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shedding is often considered a noticable side effect of finasteride use.

would you not consider shedding to be a sign that the finasteride is working your body.. or would you simply say that it's the male pattern baldness that is causing the shedding ?


social_drinker said:
You can play with semantics all you would like

The purpose of the medication that he is in inquiry about is hair growth. That is the desired effect, thus any other effect that the medication takes on is a side effect for this purpose.

Now that we have that cleared up, would you like to provide proof (other than a very-likely placebo-effect based decreased libido) that Finpecia, Fincar or any other foreign-made Finasteride works?

sure?, here are seven examples,

1. Eyebrows thinning
2 .Extra dose of arm hair thinning
3. Nose hairs not sprouting daily
4. Ear hair not sprouting daily
x. Sexual ups/downs (Must be Placebo Effect Bone daddy you idiot)
5. General shed over all areas of head since starting week 04

And what's with the "foreign made" thing? do you know where your propecia/proscar is made? I presume that you are American (just something about you) I am not, so if you are correct that "foreign made" drugs are no good and all your drugs are made in the USA (which they are not) then I am screwed.

Little bit of news from the start of 2003

Generic Propecia (Finasteride 1mg) made by Merck.

Worldwide Pharmacies has secured buying of generic Propecia made by a worldwide division of Merck in Brazil called Merck Generics. Merck was never able to secure a patent for Propecia in Brazil, therefore many pharmaceutical companies there produce and sell generic Propecia. This is not uncommon in Brazil as the government regularly turns down patent applications to allow more competition. Not to be outdone, Merck markets through its generic subsidiary in Brazil to manufacture medicines under a generic label, though their parent company also makes and sells the name brand medication at a higher price.

Merck Generics is a worldwide company and in Brazil is fully licensed and regulated by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and maintains the same high standards as its parent company Merck, Sharpe and Dohme.


Remember kids don't buy finasteride from them grubby brown skinned little cash stealing foreigners, only buy original MERCK FINASTERIDE INVENTED AND MADE EXCLUSIVELY IN TEXAS.

and never ever never never ever click this link>
as it will take you to Mercks Pakistan Division (who make Proscar)
and these dirty turban wearing bastards will try and hypnotise you steal your hard earned dollars.

.....or indeed any of the other 42 countries that Merck have divisions in, all bad bad bad.

good Luck stay safe and remember BUY AMERICAN



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I agree with social drinker, side effects you described could be a lot of drugs, including female hormones.

Are you growing some nice man-boobs as well?

Old Baldy

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Tynan: I think his concerns stem from numerous tests conducted by the FDA that resulted in many foreign manufactured medicines NOT containing what they were supposed to. I would hope that Britain periodically tests incoming medicines also.

And, unlike you, I have respect for that residence on Downey Street. One of the greatest homes in world history. Sorry you hate us so much. Thank God your military doesn't agree with you.

Bone Daddy

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I agree 100%

Now that I've said that, the things I listed are not "side effects" per-se. Body hair responds to DHT like Oprah responds to pie. Now that it's being lowered, all the extra hair is going the way of the dodo and the 8-bit NES.

I was never hairy at all, until a couple of years ago (age 23) so when my diffusiness started kicking in, I starting wolfing out badly.

The shed on my head however is reported at week 4 all the time on this site, as are most of the things I'm experiencing, by the people that have had great results.

I get my cipla finasteride from the Brit side of the pond.. I think tynan kisses every blister pack before shipping.

IwantMyhair said:
shedding is often considered a noticable side effect of finasteride use.

would you not consider shedding to be a sign that the finasteride is working your body.. or would you simply say that it's the male pattern baldness that is causing the shedding ?

Good point,

I wasn't shedding at all beforehand, maybe 5 or 10 hairs in the shower, and hair-free pillows, etc. until about the 4th week. Now its 30-35 hairs in the shower, and a few on my pillow. I am a very slow diffuser. So yes, it's from the finasteride. I also am having the ups and downs in my libido, one heck of a roller coaster I tells ya.


Bone Daddy

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Libido changes are reported all the time with finasteride usage. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't realise it's hormones we are playing with. When you go from "eh, I could use me some sex, I guess" to "damn how'd you like that, b**ch?" in a span of a week+ or so, and don't even realise it, it's NOT a placebo effect.

Myself, I had just done my womanz 8 times one Saturday, and she asked (after she could breath again) just "what the hell I had been taking, and could I get more?". I laughed and realised, damn the libido does increase on this stuff.. Same thing when she was in victorias' secret, and I was like eh, that's pretty.. what's on TV? Placebo effects have to be thought about, and concentrated on. And before anyone asks, Saturdays and other certain days are "our fun days" and I've always been in a normal mood for said lovin'. Sans my two "down" periods and "up" periods since i've been on finasteride.

not me!

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Old Baldy said:
Tynan: I think his concerns stem from numerous tests conducted by the FDA that resulted in many foreign manufactured medicines NOT containing what they were supposed to. I would hope that Britain periodically tests incoming medicines also.

This is completely correct, old baldy. Good looking out.

I find it infinitely amusing that just because I try to warn people of possible dangers of not only generic-brand manufacturers but also of rogue-distribution centers that I am automatically labeled as an arrogant, racist American.

Tell me Tynan, how can you be so sure that I am not brown in color?

Keep your difference of opinion at an adult level and I will respond accordingly. The childishness of your posts is nothing short of humorous.


social_drinker said:
I find it infinitely amusing that just because I try to warn people of possible dangers of not only generic-brand manufacturers......


Your warning was specifically of 'foreign-made Finasteride', infact you didn't even mention the word 'generic' in your previous posts!

go on what's next?....

social_drinker said:
...but also of rogue-distribution centers

Sorry social_drinker didn't spot that in any of your posts either? must get my eyes sorted.

social_drinker said:
that I am automatically labeled as an arrogant, racist American.

I only called you American.

Tell me Tynan, how can you be so sure that I am not brown in color?

That one I am going to have to leave down to you to determine

Keep your difference of opinion at an adult level and I will respond accordingly. The childishness of your posts is nothing short of humorous.

Thank you.


Old Baldy said:
Tynan: I think his concerns stem from numerous tests conducted by the FDA that resulted in many foreign manufactured medicines NOT containing what they were supposed to. I would hope that Britain periodically tests incoming medicines also.

Should we test American (foreign) medicines?

Old Baldy said:
And, unlike you, I have respect for that residence on Downey Street. One of the greatest homes in world history. Sorry you hate us so much. Thank God your military doesn't agree with you.

idiot. :)

Bone Daddy

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You can go to Wal-Mart's pharmacy and possibly get bad or "false" medicines.

I think they key word in this case, is the word "generic". It gets people all bitchy. Like it lessons them to even hear the word.

I realise there are thieving idiots in the world, and the danger of buying online, but I did some research beforehand, and the pills I buy are working as there supposed to. So instead of crapping my thread, and poking fun at me, (and doing a lousy job to boot) why don't you offer some encouragement?

If at any point this starts to go south, I'll pony up and go Merck. (proscar) But for right now, I'm fine and we'll see.

Friday will be week 4, so a lil typo on my last posts. I am on 1.25mg so the shed might have been "pushed back" from that.


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My issue is not so much with the product being "Made not in America" but with how it is shipped to the US.

Light, heat, air can chip away at a drug's effectiveness. Some people state the stuff is attached to a piece of cardboard in an envelope!

No thanks...

Now lets say a generic becomes legit and sold at a local pharmacy? I probably still wouldn't change it, simply because I like what I use. I hate changing brands and I avoid it all all costs when it comes to my hair.

Unless of course generic Proscar is a nice round pill or perhaps a nice square!

I have spoken my piece, flame on. :eek:nfire:

Old Baldy

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Yes Tynan, we should test American made medicines just as much as any other countries' medicines.

Glad to hear you don't hate America!! Britain's a fine country IMHO.