how do i tell parents about this


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how do i get the message across to them that im losing my hair and its bothering me, i told them months ago about my temples which had very thin hair, and they said every one has that, no that area is bald, and i can assure, not every 18 year old has that. the rate of recession i have had is very depressing, ive been on propecia for 2.5 months but i dont know if thats kicked in or if it will do anything. what is the best regimen to halt and thicken a receding hairline? thanks for any responses.


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This is TOUGH!

I finally worked up the courage to tell my parents just a while ago that I had finally had enough of suffering in silence. I'm 18 as well, and there's really no other way to go about it but coming up front. The only thing that drove me to tell them was that I knew nothing was gonna get fixed being silent, and I knew that something needed to be done now if it was gonna be done. So I just came up front and talked to them about it. Now I'm about to get Rogaine, and I've talked to them about Proscar, and may be getting that as well, so it worked out.

If you already have Propecia, and have for 2.5 months, I'm curious as to how you got it without even talking to your parents about your hairloss? Surely they already know, and that's why you're on the Propecia? Anyway, I wish you the best in talking to your parents about it, it lifts a huge weight when you finally talk to somebody about it.

Take'r easy!


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when i told and showed my parents i ask my mom if anybody was bold in her side of her family and of course she told me no but thats how i brough up the subject. i showed her my thin spot on my crown and i pulled back my hair line and she said it comes with aging? im not 45 yet?
she didnt have an answer but she said- when she met my dad he was 24 and he was bolding but he loved her so much that she didnt care. that made me feel much better. it still sucks monster herpes infected prison c***!!!


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I'm 19, started losing my hair about 2 years ago? Well my parents still don't notice, and no i haven't told them. They wouldn't believe me, i've also been on finasteride for about 4 months now. I'm hoping I don't have to ever tell anyone... People seem to see bald people as having a disease


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i wish i had to tell my parents. actually, my mom was the one who first noticed and told me i need to start taking my vitamins, lol. after she told me, i took a long look at my hair and wondered how my hair could have gotten this thin and receded without me noticing. im 22 years old, a young buck just like you guys. balding at this age sucks, huh?


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Its kind've like removing a bandaid,. dont take it slow or anticipate,. just go up to her and say "I'm losing my hair".

Like ssjrex, I didnt have to tell my dad; he told me. That was a wakeup call. But I did tell my mom one morning when I knew that my depression was affecting my behavior.

Ever since then I've been more and more open and honest, and I'll tell anyone that I'm losing my hair. Hell, I dont know if they can tell or not, but if they can, I sure as hell dont want to be ashamed. f*** it. I feel much better about the battle taking it from a positive outlook of doing what I can, accepting the facts, and enjoying life to the best of my ability.

BTW i'm 28. Losin it since 25 or so.


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17 here, i know it sucks i just hide my minoxidil in my closet so they dont know.... 2 months on it and still havent seen any results but little thickenin in hair :roll:


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i dont even know i posted this, im just pissed at how my hair looks, short hair shows massive recession, if i let it grow, well the back and sides grow fast and the top grows slow and becomes very thin, and is unstylable. im just mad now cause for months they denied it and didnt do anything at all to help, now they still deny it, and although i did start on propecia, im so angry/depressed because i wanted to start when i still had a chance to save my hairline, back in october-november, but now its gone, and i wonder if its worth keeping on it to save unstylable hair. im sorry i have to vent here, if i even get a little emotional about it at home, my dad just threatens to kick me out of the house.


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Jdizzle: That's a rough situation your in. At least my parents understood my concerns and acknowledged that I was losing hair. It makes it much easier when you have someone supporting you and also picking up the tab on your treatments ( it's nice to still live at home). Like you, I wish I had done something about it earlier. What helps me is to just forget about what I could have saved and focus on what I have left. Trust me, it's not worth giving up the fight. Even a heavily receeded hairline looks much more cosmpetically acceptable then no hairline at all. Keep fighting, don't let it get you down.

The Gardener

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That is really good advice, Kramer.

In combatting the dreaded hairloss, if one approaches the issue with the "I'm not perfect anymore, so just f*** it" attitude all you are going to do is get yourself down.

You have to have an Apollo 13-type attitude about this... that is, stop dwelling on how bad of a situation you are in or how unlucky you are and start WORKING THE PROBLEM. Assess your situation, where you are at, and what you are going to do to combat it. You have weapons at your disposal, lots of support either here, or hopefully from family, and you have to be persistent and patient. The mission is not lost, so don't give up hope.