
How Do The Permanent Propecia Sides Start?

Just shave it

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Okay firstly I apologize if this has been asked already, and I know sides of finasteride have been discussed ad nauseam, but in my recent weeks I have done A LOT of research, and I'm still unclear about something. So, understandably being a 20 yr old male, or a male in general for that matter, the sides of finasteride scare the sh*t out of me. Now I'm not going to go into the % chance of sides, (other than in my opinion they seem to be underrepresented in studies, but I don't think they're THAT under represented), but my real question is this. All of you guys with permanent sides, was it something that kind of happened like a switch? One day did you suddenly you noticed sexual sides and just never got them back? Or were you getting sides gradually worse and didn't wan't to quit taking the magical cure, and they became permanent? I also know of the one where you don't get any sides, but then you quit and suddenly you can't feel sex or have an erection for life, and also brain damage. scary, scary sh*t. Anyway I guess my plan is to take like .25 mg every third day for a month, then every other day, then eventually .50 mg every other day since what I've noticed is that dose is fairly effective, not entirely effective, but I'm ok with losing my hair someday as I think it's natural, just not at 20 freaking years old. And if I experience sides, I'll suddenly drop to .25mg every 3rd day again and quickly drop to nothing. Now that last part especially I'm not sure about, would it make more sense to ween off or quit cold turkey? Any way I apologize for rambling, my real concern is if you had any warning that you're never going to be able to have sex again, or it came out of no where and just kicked you in the balls all the way up to your prostate.

Thanks so much, -Just shave it


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No one takes finasteride and ends up with a limp dick the next morning. the sides are gradual. If you start getting sides and back off early, you won't get permanent sides, it becomes a problem if you get sides and ignore them and continue taking the drug for a while.

You're overthinking it, just pop the 1mg pill everyday and forget about it, and if you get sides either back off the dose/frequency or drop it altogether if you feel you need to, it's a relatively safe drug. Honestly the internet scared the hell out of me about the sides, and i waited about a year to take the drug, and in that time I lost a massive amount of density. I regret not taking it sooner, it's kept me from losing further hair (no regrowth) but it still looks like someone lit the top of my head on fire

Just shave it

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No one takes finasteride and ends up with a limp dick the next morning. the sides are gradual. If you start getting sides and back off early, you won't get permanent sides, it becomes a problem if you get sides and ignore them and continue taking the drug for a while.

You're overthinking it, just pop the 1mg pill everyday and forget about it, and if you get sides either back off the dose/frequency or drop it altogether if you feel you need to, it's a relatively safe drug. Honestly the internet scared the hell out of me about the sides, and i waited about a year to take the drug, and in that time I lost a massive amount of density. I regret not taking it sooner, it's kept me from losing further hair (no regrowth) but it still looks like someone lit the top of my head on fire

Appreciate your reply Zoro, this is essentially the conclusion I've come too. It's relieving having it backed up by other people. I totally welcome and hope to get more people agreeing, or disagreeing with this conclusion.


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OP, I agree with diffuse-thinner and be cautious with finasteride. You have to understand that finasteride works the best in the category of men who have hairloss with high DHT levels and if your DHT levels are in the low range then finasteride won't be as effective because that means the hair follicles are more DHT sensitive. I will warn you because it happened to me and many others is that finasteride can accelerate thinning for guys with low DHT. In some people finasteride can greatly sensitize hair follicles to DHT leaving one way worse off. Though not likely to happen, I guarantee that you do not want this to happen to you. I would strongly recommend getting a DHT test as that will be your best guide as to how to take finasteride. A lot of guys only take .25 mg and have success. I would recommend .25 mg everyday especially if your DHT levels are on the low side. Also, there is no reason to go higher than .5 mg, it's just as effective as 1 mg.
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