How do u immagine alopecia would feel for an infectted woman


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Hello Guys
I joined this site recently. I am surprised that 99% of people who post massgaes here are men. Though alopecia is fairly common for women.
I suffer from androgenetic alopecia since I was 15. like most people here I tried almost every thing. Nothing works so far.
I have seen that so many post which describe the suffering pf men who r going bald............Now can u immagine how things would be ike for a woman who is going bald?
I will tell u how things r nowadays for me: I am recently married and I like to look sexy and desirable for my husband.......but who would see a woman sexy while the front part of her head is allready visiable? Alopecia is truning my love life into hell: My relation with my husband is threatened and things are getting worse every day. I have severe attacks of bad modes when I lose more that 50 hairs per day. Sometimes the rate reaches 150. I yell at my husabnd with no reason and cry at night when he is asleep. He is always looking with disgust to my scalp. He does not comment but his looks are enough.
Needless to say: I lost any desire to progress in my work.....I get up in the morining feeling very depressed knowing that I have to lose at least 50 hears in the bathroom. The fire feeling in my head chases my every second while I am on my way to work. I bearly stay there for an hour and leave. All people are cheking now the front area of my head. I runaway to cry. I am not intersted to meet friends or to have any fun.
I think about alopecia for 24 hours per day........this is a nightmare.
I wish I can get a hair transplant but this is away tooo costy for my now. :(


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very sorry to hear about your situation.

i think there is a section on this forum dedicated to womens hair loss.

I understand how you feel. trust me. ask anyone on this forum or look at my posts.. the way i feel all the time is horrible.

it's ruining my relationship also. my g/f says that my hair doesnt bother her.. yet i always see her looking at my hair..

although it's probabaly my own fault.. i must ask her 75 X a day if my hair looks alright. no i'm not exaggerating.

it's hard for people who dont have any problems to be around people who are depressed.

this is what i'm working on, and you should do the same. talk to a friend, or family member. dont let your husband see how you feel. it'll only make matters worse. try your very best to be in a good mood around your hubby. remember you guys fell in love and should be in love forever though thick and thn.

remember than life will go on. wether you save up for a hair transplant, or have a wig, wear a hat, whatever you have to do to make yourself feel comfortable is what you have to do.

i recently started taking anti-anxiety/depressents and i must say it helps some.. corse you have to see a doctor, then pay for perscription etc.. but do whatever you can to be happy.

I guess i'll never know EXACTLY how you feel since your a woman, but i'm a 26 year old guy, with a 21 year old girlfriend. I used to be a social butterfly and never had a care in the world... now i think about hair almost every minuite of every day. I look at peoples hair lines constantly, i dread showering to see how many of my hairs i'm gong to lose in the shower. I dread my friends wanting to go to the pool or boating b/c if my hair gets wet i look like a chemo patient.

well, in closing, just look for support. you'll be alright. easier said than done but try to not think about your hair..

i was taught in church that God will only give people enough they can handle. you can get though this.