How do you deal with this?


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I was never really bothered by my hairloss until about a year ago, but lately things have been getting worse and worse for me, not in terms of hairloss itself, but psychologically. My confidence is pretty much gone, and I have no motivation, I don't really want to do anything besides sleep. I constantly have people calling me to go hang out with them but I always find some lame excuse not to go, so at this rate I will probably lose my friends pretty soon. You want to know what the sad thing is about all of this? I'm like a NW2, maybe 2.5 but that would be pushing it, but if I style my hair the right way nobody can tell I have hairloss at all, so I'm not really sure what I'm going to do if it gets any worse and I think it's the fear of the future is what making me depressed the most. I don't really know what the hell is wrong with me, maybe this has nothing to do with hair loss at all, maybe it's something else, but at this point in time I feel really messed up mentally, I don't really want to go on any anti-depressants as I feel that they will make the situation even worse. I know there are people that are going through this just like me, but I don't think it's normal to be like this with my level of loss.


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It doesnt really matter if your NW1-2 or Nw7.. not everyone handles hairloss the same, and thats just normal. (some of my NW0s friends find a few hairs on the pillow and come crying to me, i like to "give them" one year before they are complity bald haha :agree: .. morons)
But back to the topic, its hard to tell what exactly bothers you from your post, whatever it is, it seems to me that you just going throw a period and all this will fade soon, eveyone has hes ups and downs just try to ignore the bad feelings as much as you can, if hair-loss bothers you all too much you can go to your doctor who will probebly write you with rogaine or propercia to make it stop.
I learn about myself that sometimes i have these "dark periods" which i cant do nothing (something like you described there, all sleepy and sh*t) and sometimes im all over jumping fom party to party...worst case you find yourself stuck in this down-time too long you can talk to a professional about it, some people do it regardless, paying good money evey now and then to talk to a preofasional psychologist just to feel better, but again this periods usally pass by themselves..
Best of luck my friend :)
(oh yeah.. read the forum some funny/wierd people posting here sometimes, sure makes me feel beter ;P)


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Naltima said:
I think it's the fear of the future is what making me depressed the most.

Your story seems pretty similar to mine - right up to not wanting to use anti-depressants. I am at around NW2.5 as well and so can also achieve a somewhat decent style if i spend a bit of time (although, i am finding it more of a struggle these days). The fear about the future is my biggest problem as well; my hair looks ok right now, but when i cut it short, i hate the way i look, so this leads me to worry endlessly about how i'll handle being NW7.

The only thing that has helped me in this time is focussing all my energies into studying so that i hopefully get a good degree and a decent job afterwards. A lot of guys here talk about fitness/gym etc, and that can help also. Infact, i seriously need to get back into the gym myself.

Anyway, it's pretty pointless me giving advice because i'm dealing with this rather badly as well. Just make sure you're keeping yourself occupied because thinking about this 24/7 can seriously mess you up.


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Smooth said:
But back to the topic, its hard to tell what exactly bothers you from your post, whatever it is, it seems to me that you just going throw a period and all this will fade soon, eveyone has hes ups and downs just try to ignore the bad feelings as much as you can, if hair-loss bothers you all too much you can go to your doctor who will probebly write you with rogaine or propercia to make it stop.

To be honest I was dating this girl for almost 5 years, and she did some really f***ed up s*** to me at times, then to top things off she cheated on me. The whole experience made me become a very paranoid and insecure person. Something I never was before I met her, and obviously this hairloss crap is not making things any better.

As far as the treatments, I'm already on Rogaine and Propecia.


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I feel like we need a new forum entitled "Girlfriend Loss Talk"....

My ex never cheated on me, in fact she wanted to marry me but she really messed me up. She's the root of most of my current problems. In a way, I can understand where you are coming from.

I don't think your main problem is your hairloss. We all go through certain experiences in life, some of them turn our lives for the better and some of them for the worse. Your confidence is properly shaken and that has affected how you perceive yourself. The worst thing you can do at this moment is burying your head in the sand. At least you have friends that are interested in talking to you. You should hang on to your friends and meet them as often as possible. You need to feel alive so that you can get on with your own life. Sleeping all day and hiding from the world is not the solution.

Get out there bro...

uncomfortable man

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You are still early on enough in your hairloss to prevent it from becoming too much of a problem. Like Dudemon said, do your homework. Propecia, Minoxidil and an anti-inflammatory shampoo (the big 3) is the common regimen. Trust me, your situation is not that bad and you will regret forsaking the best years of your life obsessing over this problem when and if you go completely bald down the road. Don't blow it.


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uncomfortable man is right, dont blow it, and make the most of your hair, and get on the big three right now, hopefully you can still maintain what you have, and grow if possible. I have read some of the posts of NW2 and NW2.5s and hairloss, and sit there thinking, if only I had that amount of hair, and another chance, I wouldnt even think twice about jumping on the big three, and enjoying more of my life, which I have not done since I started losing my hair.

Im 23, and I think I am a diffuse thinner, I lost well over 50% of my hair in just 2 years being in denial and not giving the big three a chance, and I think im around a NW4/5 as I have thin hair, but it is very thin and low density in the horseshoe shape compared with the hair on the sides and back, and I myself keep going out with hats, and sometimes my mates just probably think why is he wearing a hat again, and we have been turned away from getting into bars because of my hats.

Im also depressed, and try to make excuses most of the time to go out, and I get phobic issues sometimes going out in public for fear of being recognised, and I have used concealers such as nanogen and dermatch but its getting incredibly hard to put on sometimes. I have now decided enough is enough, and I want to eventually go down the surgery route, but as a result of my fear of social situations where I might get sprung and believe me I will sooner or later, im prepared to up sticks where I am, move to another country where I can work, and make a fresh start and keep shaving down to a 1-0 grade until I can make enough funds for a hair transplant, get back some scalp maintenance being on the big three or in worse case scenario a hair transplant which looks inevitable at the moment.

And I have a social event tonight which I hesitantly agreed to, where I will be meeting a few old high school faces, thats just great, I will have to spend some time with the nanogen and dermatch to get back what I once looked like.


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Sounds like depression to me. Yes hair loss sucks, but you still need to continue living your life and experiencing great things.


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You just keep going and realize we all have bad days and good days. That while we are men and society tells us to be one, nobody likes not being in control of something they don't like but you just have to accept it. It is the ugly truth and I still haven't fully accepted it either, I still am going between anger/depression grieving stage. At least realize their are things you can control in your life like school work, friends, exercise, and more.

How old are you? Being a NW2 is not bad, I suggest you get on treatments if you want to hold onto it.


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Obsidian said:
You just keep going and realize we all have bad days and good days. That while we are men and society tells us to be one, nobody likes not being in control of something they don't like but you just have to accept it. It is the ugly truth and I still haven't fully accepted it either, I still am going between anger/depression grieving stage. At least realize their are things you can control in your life like school work, friends, exercise, and more.

How old are you? Being a NW2 is not bad, I suggest you get on treatments if you want to hold onto it.

I'm 22, about to turn 23 in December. I've been on minoxidil since February, and finasteride since about mid May. It actually looks like my right temple is responding very well as I'm seeing a lot of regrowth, the left one not so much. The thing is I think I've been NW2 for about 4 years now, maybe even longer, I was just looking at a picture of myself from 2002 and my hairline was receded back then. I'm not even sure why it started to bother me so much all of the sudden.


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You are already on the right track, doing rogaine and finasteride, you should be able to keep your Norwood at that for a long time. When I was 23 I was losing hair fast and thought I was going to go bald by the time I was 25. I am now 26 and I even have a little more hair than 3 years ago so hang to the treatments and you'll be fine - hair wise. Now, with respect to your other problem, like others have pointed out that is a depression you are going through. The best thing you can do is join a gym or find a hobby but do something that really interests you. You'll snap out of this eventually if you find a meaning in your life.


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I just look at this and it always puts a smile on my face, makes me forget about being an NW1.5.


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i can preach this, but have a hard time with it myself.

it's in your head. FIND YOURSELF. FIND YOUR CENTER. BE YOURSELF. your power is within you. Beauty, you're either born w/ it or you can buy it.

Only your personality is unique in REALITY.

uncomfortable man

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Nw1.5? Oh boo hoo. :roll:

Hans Gruber

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id never let it beat me ,im destined for a Norwood 5 im pretty sure but my donor is good and my meds are working great 3 years in.Im def getting a hairline/temples hair transplant and maybe later get a sprinkle of grafts for the crown,throw some toppik over that,im sure itll look alright!

worst case scenario get a damn good hairpiece and look after it meticulously,cant be any more tiring than constantly trying to disguise a non existent hairline with wispy bits of hair,i imagine. :hump: