How do you feel about balding?



How did you feel when you first starting balding and how do you feel about it now?


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Man.... I usually never respond to these types of threads, but I have some stuff to say to you. I am 19 and have had a receding hairline since about 16. I just recently started my regimen and hope to keep what i have now. I dont dwell on my hair. Dont let it bother you so much, get some confidance...not everyone is superficial. And your starting treatment much younger than anyone here so you have a good chance of maintaining your hair. (your friends will eventually start to bald to..and youll be at the same point) I know during treatment hair looks better/worse/better/worse... and it sucks,BUT just stick with it man.
good luck!


Yea true. I thought I was all alone in this and at my school nobody was balding except me. But i was wrong. 2 guys in my class are definately balding and i never noticed before. Makes me feel a little better. Right now im going through a tough time. Hopefully it will get better. Some days are good, some days are bad.

I try not to dwell on my hair but i cant help it. And about the confidence, this just stole a lot of my confidence from me. I was very sure of myself and confident before but this really made me insecure. I am getting better at accepting it now. But i still have work to do.

Time heals all wounds. One day I will be like 70 and I will look back on this and not give a sh*t if im bald. And its not about people being superficial. Its about feeling good about yourself.

Thanks for the post it helps :)

Cal Que Later

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I just love going bald, and come here everyday to express how happy I am that my great hair is now nothing more than a faint memory in the past. When I first started losing my hair my exact words were "It's about damn time I started losing my hair, man I thought it would never happen." Now that I have lost even more hair I wake up every morning and run strait into bathroom and stare in the mirror at my thinning hair for at least 20 minutes. I also keep a small mirror in my pocket so anytime I am feeling down I can just pull out my mirror and look at my thinning hair and say "God you are one sexy balding f****r." It's just good to know that after praying every night for 15 years that my prayers have finally been answered and my hair is falling out, WOO HOO!


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first started balding - 18 years old. Thought, no way, i'm too young, can't happen, no one else is going bald
now -21 years old. sh*t, theres actually quite a bit of guys around going bald. Damn. I'm not against the idea of going bald, just not now, and not for another 9 years. Now i've just accepted it and am treating it. I also realized just has crappy it is.


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I love it man! I also love pumping drugs into my system that make my pecker disappear! :twisted:



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My background: 24, started big 3 in April.

I started thinning right after highschool. My girlfriend at the time noticed it first. I used to always spike my hair but she noticed that you could really see my scalp above my temples. It eventually got to the point were I had to stop spiking and just lay my hair flat. Then I would spend up to 10 minutes in front of the mirror each morning just trying to cover my thin spots. I lost almost all confidence in myself and stopped dating for almost a year, it was pretty bad.

After 6 months of Big 3, im feeling much better about myself. I can actually see terminal hairs growing over all my thin spots. It really is amazing. My hair is much thicker and healthier now and my confidence is much better then its been in a few years.

Just dont loose hope!!!


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WOW thanks Cal Que Later.... I needed a good laugh!! :laugh: :laugh:


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Luckily I was 33 and already had a fiance when it finally started showing. I was in real denial and couldnt believe it, thought it wasnt real. My hair was so thick and healthy in my teens and twenties. I still consistently have nightmares about waking up with bald temples and vertex. I am fighting like Ali to keep the stuff but not a whole lot is happening, it is a battle that really sucks.

I am very self conscoius anyway so it is hard to accept. I never used to look at thinning or bald guys before, never cared now I inspect everyones head and see even the most minor thinning- a bad habit I got in. I wish things would be back to normal but they only seem to get worse.

Younguy it truly sucks to be young and loosing it I feel for you brother. Then again its not the end of the world it just feels like it.
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Cant really remember when my hair loss started. But I would have to say around 19-20. I was in denial for the longest time and avoided looking for signs of balding untill this year. Many ppl were saying my hair looks thin and scalp can be seen. I just said "well I have short hair thats why" (still in denial).

However, one morning, w/ the sun shining thru the window at the breakfast table, my dad made a comment which hit me like a heavy sand bag. "Are you loosing your hair son?" he asks. Man I didnt know how to respond and just said "yea i guess". From that moment on I hated looking @ the mirror, hated looking @ my hair and I have been sporting hats/caps all the time. Since then, I been addicted to forums (i even check it out at school when none of my buddies are around). I am pethatic.

Btw my dad has a head FULL of hair and its so hard for me to face him now. *Sigh*, life is full of curve balls.


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Johnny Tightlips said:
Cant really remember when my hair loss started. But I would have to say around 19-20. I was in denial for the longest time and avoided looking for signs of balding untill this year. Many ppl were saying my hair looks thin and scalp can be seen. I just said "well I have short hair thats why" (still in denial).

However, one morning, w/ the sun shining thru the window at the breakfast table, my dad made a comment which hit me like a heavy sand bag. "Are you loosing your hair son?" he asks. Man I didnt know how to respond and just said "yea i guess". From that moment on I hated looking @ the mirror, hated looking @ my hair and I have been sporting hats/caps all the time. Since then, I been addicted to forums (i even check it out at school when none of my buddies are around). I am pethatic.

Btw my dad has a head FULL of hair and its so hard for me to face him now. *Sigh*, life is full of curve balls.

Same situation, but I was 18.



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I think I began to notice my hairline inching up when I was 17 or so. Then in 18, it all began to go down hill. I remember the day vividly, and it's when I should of acted. My mom used to cut my hair when I was younger, and one day she said she no longer needed to use those special scissors used for thinning out thick hair. Denial followed, depression.. blah blah at points i said i didnt care, then i would try to do something, then I would fail. Whole process repeats. I am determined to give it a chance this time, it seems to be reflective of the rest of my life. If I can't stick with this, then I can't stick with anything. I have to comb my hair flat, and there is no doubt it is falling out. I used to think oh well at least it doesnt look like ths guy, and after time it would. Then I would be it doesnt look like this more balders guy head, then it did. Now I look at everyones hair first, I'm obsessive. It's pathetic, but I will never be satisfied until I have a nice hairline back and good density. I am determined ot get my scalp healthy and see benefit from various products before I think about a hair transplant.

Good luck to all, this sure sucks... at least we have each other.


Diddy said:
first started balding - 18 years old. Thought, no way, i'm too young, can't happen, no one else is going bald
now -21 years old. sh*t, theres actually quite a bit of guys around going bald. Damn. I'm not against the idea of going bald, just not now, and not for another 9 years. Now i've just accepted it and am treating it. I also realized just has crappy it is.

Sounds exactly like me. And yea more guys in their 20's are going bald then you would think.

Cal Que Later- that was a funny post lol

redbone said:
I never used to look at thinning or bald guys before, never cared now I inspect everyones head and see even the most minor thinning- a bad habit I got in. I wish things would be back to normal but they only seem to get worse.

Man i think that is a classic symptom of balding. Before I was balding i never payed attention 2 any1's hair and new nothing about thinning or a receding hairline or any of the balding process. If you asked me if Nic Cage was balding I would of probley said no. Now im like an expert and I inspect every1's hairline all the time. And redbone you got lucky man. You had the best years of your life with good hair and are married. Its more common to be balding at your age. At least you got a wife that loves u and will be with you even if you go completly bald.

Johnny Tightlips said:
Many ppl were saying my hair looks thin and scalp can be seen. I just said "well I have short hair thats why" (still in denial).

Man I just feel your whole post man. I feel you. I had denail like that 2. If some1 said I had thin hair or "you are gunna be bald when ur older" I would just be like "Its cause my hair was combed bad 2day" or be like "Its cause of my haircut" and was in total denail. And I think most of us remember the day clearly when some1 just hits you with it and tells or asks you about hairloss. I sure remember when my friend said "sh*t dude, you have thin hair you look like your going bald" That really hit me hard and thats when i dropped the denail and started treatment. I will never forget my friend saying that for the rest of my life.

Japanbound said:
Good luck to all, this sure sucks... at least we have each other.

Damn straight. And I cant watch tv or movies anymore cause im always looking at good some1's hairline is or looking how much some actor has thinned or receded. Then i compare their hair 2 mine. Man what I would do for good hair...


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I feel for ya man, cheer up they will come out with something soon I know it. Cloning or something. You shall be happy again younguy. Evan at 34 with a fiance going bald still sucks. My hair used to be my best asset, besides my 9" hog.
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This goes out to all the balding brethrens

*Light the lighter*

Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on

Look what u guys did !!

Redbone: I agree w/ u man. I can feel it, something big is on its way. AND its not ur 9'' hog. U got proof to back that hypothesis???


lol johnny. My lighters out.

Damn you got a 9'' huh. Pretty impresive. My hog was like fully grown at 13. I got a 7" hog. My hog has been the same since i was 13. I think i got pretty lucky in that department. 2 bad im losing my hair. It doesnt matter 2 have a big hog when your bald lol.


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How do you feel about balding?

Shitty. Once i started receeding i really learnt to appreciate how important a good head of hair is to me. Some dudes just don't know how fortunate they are! Still, my male pattern baldness isn't too aggressive, so i appreciate what i got! :rockon:


I totally agree. You really dont appreciate something untill its taken away from you. I used 2 take such sh*t care of my hair. I would

Wash it one every 2 days with sh*t SHAMPOO
Wear hats even though I had a perfect hairline

Like when I had braces i said 2 myself "man what i would do just to take a bite of a hamburger without braces" and I would kill to just "Rub my tongue on my teeth without feeling braces" and look at people without braces and think how lucky they where. Then when i got my braces off I really appreciated it for a while but then it faded and now I dont appreciate it as much.


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I noticed my hair going when i was 19.. i went to get a hair cut and the lady sprayed me all over with water then combed my left temple up and i was like sweet jesus whats happening to my hair. Looked at it and was confused and ignored it.

Then the day i turned 20 i noticed it was getting worse and worse. So now im only 3 months into 20 and my hair is doing some crazy stuff.. And im still debateing finasteride or not, Kinda going through whats the point i already lost a bunch and its all gonna go anyways.

Whole life i had problems like this that have held me back, First was i "wet the bed" errr for the first 15 years of my life, can imagine what that did, then from there i got acne, not horrble but still bad. So then then the whole time with acne i said once this is gone i will be a good looking guy.

Then my teeth got messed up so got braces. Then again said oh when this is gone i will be a good looking guy.. Well i finally just got over acne pretty much, No more braces, Life was looking good for 6 months and then this.. Im back in my hole again but this time waiting only makes things worse..

Its all pretty depressing.. but i just keep praying, pray for everyone here too.. you never know i guess..


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my dong is also 2" across which the ladies like better than length. Look for the sites I mentioned for proof.

I believe we should all take hairloss talk's advice and do what ever we can to hold onto our hair. There will be a cure soon, look at all the activity in the field recently, Fluridil, RU, Bap6, spironolactone etc... Some one is going to come up with something soon.

Doggy is in his final stages of development and should have his new formula on the shelf by late January 04. Just kidding this guys an ***.

p.s of course having a big hog matters young and no girl will tell you different and if they do there lying. Hair is not the most important thing.