How do you get a prescription for Proscar from your doctor?


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I'm curious as to how you guys do this.


Go to your Doctor. Tell him about Propecia. Let him look it up in his book because chances are he won't know jack sh*t.

Then tell him about Proscar and that it's the same as Propecia but at a 5mg dose. Tell him he should prescribe Proscar and that you will cut them into 4. Also tell him you have done some research.

You just need to educate him a bit. My Doctor did not hestitate in giving me Proscar because I had convinced him that I had done my research


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My doctor is pretty cool. He's a D.O., not an M.D. Best doctor I ever had. He answers all of my questions.

He used to be a pharmaceutical salesman for Upjohn and actually did some lengthy research on hairloss and took Propecia himself.

He now complains about all of the pharmaceutical salesman that come in and try to push new drugs on him. He also b****s about the high cost of American drugs.

I was just curious as to how you guys approach your doctors about Proscar. I thought it was only supposed to be prescribed for an enlarged prostate. Can't doctors get in trouble for prescribing it for someone without such a problem?

I don't know how my doctor will respond but I'll give it a shot.

By the way, I've read elsewhere that .5mg is just as effective as 1mg so I may just get Propecia and split it in half. I shouldn't have a problem affording that.


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Doctors can prescribe stuff for whatever they want.

Just be honest that you only want it to save money and you won't do something stupid like take 5mg at a time to attempt to get 5 times the results. As long as you have a decent knowledge of what are you are doing, you will be fine instead of saying something like "Well I heard on the internet I need Proscar instead of Propecia" That would set off alarm bells for the Doctor and more than likely he won't write you a prescription. Tell him you will need a 3 bottle prescription to last 13 months.

Also while your in there, ask the Doctor if he has any Propecia samples you can have. Last time I went I got 2 bottles for free.


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Not sure if it makes a difference because I'm in Canada but before I had had a chance to even ask my doctor she came out and simply said 'I cant prescribe proscar for you."