How do you react when...

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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1. Some one asks you, hey man..u losing your hair?
2. Who pulled out the hair outta your head.
3. Are u balding/going bald?
4. When someone tries to pretend that they are your well wisher and point out in a very nice manner..that you are losing your hair...or hv a receeding hair line.

I bet all of us hv had one or more of these questions/situations popped in our have u handled it? All of us wud love to hear some nice answers if anyone had given them back....

The Gardener

Senior Member
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I say, yes, my hair is receeding. But, I have a dick the size of a horse's and a six figure income, which means that if I had one night with your girlfriend, she'd pretty much forget your name.

too bald too furious

Experienced Member
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Ah...nice one gardener.
My favorite answer is..yeah i have receeding hair line..but thank goodness i dont have an ugly face like you... :lol:
come on other guyz...Speak out your blazing answers...