How do you style and cut your hair?



How do you guys style and cut your hair; and what Norwood are you?

I am a a diffuser with a receded left temple(which is growning back nicely :D ) and lately i have been getting shorter hair cuts. Recently i have been going with number 4 on top and 2 on the sides. Sometimes i let i puff up but its mostly the hairs lean toward the front so i can cover up thinning areas better.


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I've got mine cut very messy, the "just got out of bed look" except it really is because i just got out of bed. I do brush the front bits down, drapped over my forehead where the hair is thinnest.. but since its all a total mess, people can't really know if its because of thin hair or because its part of the style :)


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My hair is also the bedhead look but i have whats known as a fauxhawk it were you kinda have a little mowhawk but in the middle of it you will have a hair or two out of place.My hair is crazy looking which i like.I actually shave my head with an 8 on top then 4 on the sides and this way i can let it grow out for about a month.I also use Loreal remix paste for styleing dont need alot of it and it holds like an SOB!!


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I'm a Norwood 2, with diffuse. My hair is fine, straight and light brown.

I use a 5 on the sides and about 2 inches on top and put blonde tips in the front. I use bedhead wax and gel and brush the sides forward and up, like Craig Kilborn's hair. I flip my hair up in the front.


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Im a Norwoodie 1.5 to a 2 I think, hell Norwood needs my friggin head shot cause the shiznit isnt in there. So i have no idea what Iam on the gaywood scale.

Im lettin my hair grow from shaving it bald. Its almost 1 inch on top and shaved on the sides with a 1. im just combing it forward in about 3 more weeks ill spike the front and lay down the rest. No coloring my hair , I use bed head Manipulator to spike the sh*t up.



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Im a Norwood 2 and i comb my hair forward and styled to the right in the front.
If you look at my hair you wouldnt notice my N2 at all because my hair dresser lets the left upper side grow longer than the right side to so i can style it over in the front. I use hard head gel (good stuff) and I style it when slightly wet. then i use hard head hair spray in the front to keep it in place. im a slight diffuser on top so i mess it up a little to cover it up.

So far so good!!


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I uh, shower, and then my hair dries, and I leave? I'm a NW2 with really short hair right now (tiny bit of diffuse, it'll go away soon though :wink: ) Right now it's at a good enough length that I can just spike that sh*t up, I'm not worried about covering up my temples really, it hasn't bothered me all through highschool or so far uni, so who cares? Temples are nothing, it's diffuse that's a beyotch.


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i just shave mine an inch long every once and awhile, and then just let it grow out. it's a few inches now and kind of shaggy, but i'm a diffused thinner with the front just now starting to go and a thin crown which i use toppik on.


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Wow, some of you guys have the bedhead look, too? And here my sister is telling me to get with the times and get it cut to an inch. :D

I've had the longish, ruffled look my whole life (3 inches, sort of 1964 Beatles' length) , and one reason I'm freaked out about hair loss is a condition I suspect I have called "object-constancy". I've never wanted another hairstyle, even though I know it wouldn't look bad.

I'm a diffuser from the vertex all the way to my hairline, and am not sure if the hairline itself is going to recede. It's already very "mature"; not high up but far back. I think it's the furthest back it can possibly be while remaining in the territory of "natural hairline". But because of my still-extant bangs, you can't see it at all. The diffusion on top is now slightly visible under bright light, but I still don't have to cover it up. (I think!)


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johnnycash said:
What are you guy chicks or something?----Well fellas' what kinda moisturizer you use??

I use sorbolene, because if i don't, during the winter my knuckles crack and bleed... freaky eh!


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With a razor. :p