How do you tell if you are biotin deficient?


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As I have read in the forums, some people have biotin in their regimen.

I would like to know how do you tell if you are biotin deficient?


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Symptoms of overt biotin deficiency include hair loss and a scaly red rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and genital area. Neurologic symptoms in adults have included depression, lethargy, hallucination, and numbness and tingling of the extremities. The characteristic facial rash, together with an unusual facial fat distribution, have been termed the "biotin deficient face" by some experts (7). Individuals with hereditary disorders of biotin metabolism resulting in functional biotin deficiency have evidence of impaired immune system function, including increased susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections (8).

From some website I forgot to save to link to :?


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Is there a more detailed one for hair loss specifically?

I read once you should try pulling your hair if it comes off easily to test if you are biotin deficient. Can someone confirm this?

I need to know before I go get myself some biotin.


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I found this on Biotin and hair pull test:
For people who eat a healthy diet, biotin deficiency is rare. Besides getting biotin from select food sources, biotin is also manufactured in our intestines by gut bacteria. In rare instances though, biotin deficiency can cause hair loss. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition researched two adult patients receiving TPN (total parenteral nutrition, which is a form of nutrition used by the very ill who cannot use their gut for digestion and must have specialized nutrition through a large catheter inserted directly into the vein) on a long-term basis. Both patients had severe loss of hair. These patients, due to their medical condition, did not manufacture biotin in their gut and consumed no biotin orally or parenterally. Daily supplementation of biotin resulted in the gradual regrowth of healthy hair.

A deficiency of biotin may cause hair to become frail and unhealthy, and hair breakage, which may result in hair loss. Biotin also keeps your skin and nails healthy as well as being an important element of new hair growth. Supplements are sometimes needed to return biotin levels to normal, but it is recommended to include biotin regularly in your diet.

Additionally, those with type A blood don't have the ability to fully absorb B vitamins. Biotin is classified as a Vitamin B, so if you have Type A blood, adding higher doses of 5-8 grams twice daily will be needed to help prevent hair loss. At this time, there are no known side effects at this dosage level.

DAVID FOLK THOMAS: Let me start, Peter, with you. When you're evaluating somebody for hair loss, in addition to the diet, which we're going to be going into, what are the important factors to consider?

PETER HALPERIN, MD: A full patient comprehensive history would include asking them about which medications they take, what their genetic family history in terms of hair loss is, what allergies they have, and then a full physical exam. It could include hair pull tests, where one would examine hair under a microscope.

SHARI LIEBERMAN, PhD: It's interesting that you mention the hair pull test, because there are some very specific nutritional deficiencies, and the classic symptoms of these deficiencies include hair loss. Also, I didn't know that there was actually a hair pull test, but you can actually pull the hair out easier than it would normally pull. You can do it with very, very little difficulty. There are some nutrients like essential fatty acids that play a role in skin, hair and nails and other things as well. These essential fatty acids, like omega-3 fatty acids, are not the type of fatty acids that people are eating a lot of, because the sources of them basically include fish, like salmon and mackerel (not everybody eats that) or flax seed. When was the last time you had flax seed, David?


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I don't know how to tell if you're biotin deficient. My multi-vitamin only has 3% the RDA. I don't even know why 2.5mg of biotin per day helped in a study. I'd have to read it and see how they picked the people. I just take 1mg per day. It is so cheap I don't see any reason not too. And since it is not fat soluble, my body will get rid of what I don't use. I forget the cost, but for I think it comes to pennies a month, for something that might work.