How Far Out From Your Goal Transplant Date Should You Do A Consultation?


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For those of you who have been through transplants, how long did it take, from consultation, to schedule and have your actual transplant? Was there any kind of waiting list or anything?

I'm not planning to get one until next summer at the earliest, but I'm considering filling out some of the online-consultation forms now so I can get some kind of estimate and have an idea of how much money I need to set aside between now and then for the procedure and travel.

I'm currently eyeing some surgeons in Turkey and Belgium, as they seem to put out some of the most impressive hairline work.


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It took me several months to find the surgeon I am comfortable with. It would take time researching, but it will be well worth it, when you finally find one who could plan out a treatment that you'd be compatible with. Don't rush into it, look around, and avail of free consultations. Hope this helps.


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It took me several months to find the surgeon I am comfortable with. It would take time researching, but it will be well worth it, when you finally find one who could plan out a treatment that you'd be compatible with. Don't rush into it, look around, and avail of free consultations. Hope this helps.

I am doing my research for sure...the last thing I want is to end up as a horror story lol.

From what I've gathered so far, it seems my best shot at a beautiful, natural looking hairline will be from a foreign surgeon(I live in the US). I know it will likely be cheaper too, but that's not so much of my concern...I'm willing to save and pay whatever I need to in order to get this thing done right. I will say, I have a bit of apprehensive about traveling out of the USA to have such an invasive procedure done. I worry about things like language/cultural difference and being able to properly relay my goals and concerns to the doctor. Can anyone who traveled internationally for their hair transplant weigh in on their experience with such things?


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Why are there fewer good hair surgeons in the USA?


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Why are there fewer good hair surgeons in the USA?

Idk, I'm sure there are some decent ones here, but the best FUE experiences and results I've read on this forum for hairlines seem to be from turkey and belgium. If anyone has a surgeon here in the USA they think is worth checking out, I'd certainly be grateful for the suggestion...I'm still very early in this process of finding my ideal surgeon and I welcome any direction or assistance!


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I'm looking on the sites of some of these top US surgeons (Hasson and Wong, Arocha), and even in their results photos(where you'd assume they showcase their best ones) the hairlines, many of which are using upward of 4000+ grafts, don't look anywhere near as beautiful as the results from foreign surgeons I see members on here post. The foreign docs seem to do way better dense packing jobs with way less grafts, on people of a comparative level of hair loss, with a much more Brad Pitt esque result, which is what I want.


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It's also off putting to me that Arocha's website recommends getting a transplant FIRST and then starting propecia and rogaine: "Step 1: Surgical hair restoration, Step 2: Medical treatment", possibly roping people into getting transplants without any idea if they will be able to stabilize their native hair, as well as possibly wasting grafts on areas where the patient might have gotten some regrowth.


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I am doing my research for sure...the last thing I want is to end up as a horror story lol.

From what I've gathered so far, it seems my best shot at a beautiful, natural looking hairline will be from a foreign surgeon(I live in the US). I know it will likely be cheaper too, but that's not so much of my concern...I'm willing to save and pay whatever I need to in order to get this thing done right. I will say, I have a bit of apprehensive about traveling out of the USA to have such an invasive procedure done. I worry about things like language/cultural difference and being able to properly relay my goals and concerns to the doctor. Can anyone who traveled internationally for their hair transplant weigh in on their experience with such things?

I haven't really travelled outside of the country for my hair transplant as I had mine done locally here in Sydney. I am satisfied with my results, and by far it was the best decision I made especially with this exasperating condition. I commend you for really ensuring that you want the best and safest procedure possible. Not many are aware of the repercussions and the careful planning process that goes along with it. Thus they end up with something substandard, or something much less than they expected.


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Look at Umar, near Los Angeles. He does fue only and advertises his own patented device called the "U-graft" that minimizes scarring. I to am considering a FUE and as far as USA is concerned I think he is the leading candidate for me. Only downside is the price, $8.00 per graft. However since I have light brown and blondish hair I plan on doing a conservative case of say...2000-2500 grafts placed throughout the diffused areas, recreating a thin but intact hairline that I intend to keep short. 1-2 guard. He has results on youtube and seems like a genuine guy. Second choice in USA would be Cole in Atlanta. $7 dollars a graft but with larger punches for the extractions.


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Also look at Shapiro in Minneapolis. I believe they are $7 as well and are known for their hairline work. However, they are not a FUE exclusive practice. Hope this helps.


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Hairline restoration is a big gamble, I can't say I've seen a Doctor that does good designs all the time.


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Look at Umar, near Los Angeles. He does fue only and advertises his own patented device called the "U-graft" that minimizes scarring. I to am considering a FUE and as far as USA is concerned I think he is the leading candidate for me. Only downside is the price, $8.00 per graft. However since I have light brown and blondish hair I plan on doing a conservative case of say...2000-2500 grafts placed throughout the diffused areas, recreating a thin but intact hairline that I intend to keep short. 1-2 guard. He has results on youtube and seems like a genuine guy. Second choice in USA would be Cole in Atlanta. $7 dollars a graft but with larger punches for the extractions.
Look at Umar, near Los Angeles. He does fue only and advertises his own patented device called the "U-graft" that minimizes scarring. I to am considering a FUE and as far as USA is concerned I think he is the leading candidate for me. Only downside is the price, $8.00 per graft. However since I have light brown and blondish hair I plan on doing a conservative case of say...2000-2500 grafts placed throughout the diffused areas, recreating a thin but intact hairline that I intend to keep short. 1-2 guard. He has results on youtube and seems like a genuine guy. Second choice in USA would be Cole in Atlanta. $7 dollars a graft but with larger punches for the extractions.

Be careful. I Believe I've seen both Dr. Cole and Dr. Umar's names associated with sketchiness on these boards


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Yeah I honestly don't hear much about Umar on forums, which is a little strange. He seems legit and I like the work of his that I have seen.
What sketchiness do you speak of?