how hair loss ruined me at med school and current progress

Doctor Danger

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hey there
i'm currently a 22 year old man and i began losing hair when i was 19 perhaps before that age, i only came to notice my hairloss when i came back from holidays at the age of 20, my hair loss first came to my attention when i noticed that i was unable to gel my hair or sculpture it, my hair was dry furthermore it finally hit me when i didnt go to the barbers for atleast 4 months my hair remained the same quantity i enrolled in med school in september of 2007 starting the semester knowing my situation with regard to my scalp wasnt good, i regularly visited to mirrors in the bathroom to see the extent to which my hairline was receeding, i reached the point where all i could think about was my hairline i was behind in my school work and i was only a hair away from almost failing my summer finals and being thrown off the course,
my current situation
the first step i took towards saving my scalp was halting the useage of gels and other hairproducts
i then started rinsing my hair with shampoo irregularly
its taken me a year to research the products to fight my hairloss and save my existing hair, iv started on nizorol shampoo 2% in december of 2008 the shampoo is effective at thickenning hair but i experience shedding which brings me on to my next topic saw palmetto, i was very skeptical at first and iv been taking these tablets for 3 monhs iv noticed my fringe grow back and my hair looks a bit thicker, i'm going to carry on using this for another couple of months today i woke up and when i looked in the mirror it was as if i was back on a norwood 1, i also had to shampoo my hair today after i shampooed it and rinsed it, i noticed some strands of hair shed hours later has any 1 experienced a similar problem. i have a bottle of nizorol 1% and may discontinue use of 2%

Nashville Hairline

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I'm interested in a person from med school taking Saw Palmetto! There's not a lot of support on it here although I take it too. Three months sounds about right for when you should expect a shed, it could be from either the nizoral or the Saw Palmetto