How has Hairloss affected YOU?


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This is a topic for everyone. How has hairloss affected your life and what do you think the future holds for you? Is it a different path to the one you would have walked down with hair?

Has it affected your love life?
Has your personality changed negatively/positively?
Have you been persecuted/victimised?
Have doors closed for you?
Do people treat you different?
Are you bitter?
Has it driven anyone to suceed in life?
Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair?


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Too early to tell because i am not a full on baldy. It hit me really hard when it first started, at about 16.
Not so much anymore even though i lost way more hair in those 4 years.
Personality hasnt changed.
Been made fun of a few times, but it was good natured ribbin.
Doors have opened, not closed, because now my perspective has changed. Matured alot within that time frame.
People do not treat me any different, and i am not bitter because i usually feel in control of any given situation.
I dont know if its male pattern baldness that's driven me to succeed, but i feel more motivated now than ever.
Never really made fun of, or noticed male pattern baldness prior to having gone through it, so didnt really change my opinions.

I have high hopes for the future that male pattern baldness wont have a huge negative impact on me, but now that i have more money i might start looking for treatments besides finasteride which fucked with me hardcore.


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did you stop finasteride barca?how did it f*** u up? im ok so far. started on minoxidil today. its a shitter like. im positive at moment about treatments but im not holding my breath. i had my head buzzed at xmas and thought it looked ok but now my hair growing out all ive heard from parents, friends etc is 'aw im glad you wearing your hair longer again'. guess didnt look as hot as thought. heres hoping the future doesnt hold a Norwood with anything more than a 3 in front of it. btw i thought your hair looked solid.


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those are old old pics, im basically a whole new person now lol.

I tried finasteride at the regular 1 mg - 1.25 mg dosage. Was doing great for the first few months, then i started getting insane mood swings and slumped into a minor depression. It was the first time in my life that i felt so fucked up for absolutely no reason. I had thought this coincided with my starting uni and maybe it was nervousness. So i went off finasteride and started feeling better, went back on (6 months later) at .125 mg dose started getting the symptoms again along with some tit development so i promptly stopped. finasteride just doesn't agree with my body, and im 90% sure its not in my head. Im only using nizoral/foam now, so i gotta think of something if i want to keep my hair. I doubt i'll be able to keep it for another 5 years.


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f*** that. maybe dutasteride. my hair going to sh*t recently. been thinning for 3yrs and only now its starting to show. i think its cause after having such thick hair my hair has finally dropped below the 50 % line...visible territory. if finasteride starts growing tits on me or making me limp this shits over in a blink.


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Has it affected your love life? Yes
Has your personality changed negatively/positively? Negatively
Have you been persecuted/victimised? If you mean taking the piss then yes
Have doors closed for you? Who knows? :dunno:
Do people treat you different? Yes
Are you bitter? Yes
Has it driven anyone to suceed in life? No, but it has driven me to have hair transplant's
Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair? I dont remember mocking anyone before, but I definatley dont do it to anyone now because hairloss leaves me 'open' to comebacks.


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Has it affected your love life?

Probably not.... I told my ex about it, she was OK with it. I haven't really tried to get a new gf since then, so I don't know.

Has your personality changed negatively/positively?

Paying attention to hair is a waste of time. It's a constant reminder that I'm not 18 anymore, and it is sort of stressful. There was a Chinese guy posting here, he said he lost his job because of his hairloss. I'm just saying that if you let it play in your mind, you could quickly lose control of your life. Don't let it affect you, work on some sort of acceptance.

Have you been persecuted/victimised?

Not really.... You have to remember that baldness is not an illness, or a weakness. Lots of men go bald in their 20s.

Have doors closed for you?

Not really... However, if you let it affect your confidence, the answer will be YES.

Do people treat you different?

Not really...

Are you bitter?

I think so.

Has it driven anyone to suceed in life?

Not really.

Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair?

Why should hairloss change my opinion of minorities? I never mock someone based on background anyway.


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iwantperfection said:
Has it affected your love life?
Yes, have to work harder to meet new girls either for one-nighters or for a relasionships.
iwantperfection said:
Has your personality changed negatively/positively?
I think it made me sympathize with certain stereotyped groups.
iwantperfection said:
Have you been persecuted/victimised?
iwantperfection said:
Have doors closed for you?
iwantperfection said:
Do people treat you different?
Yeah, it seems i have to slighty force attention to myself when amoung hair they care less what i have to say sometimes, especially when girls around.
iwantperfection said:
Are you bitter?
Ofcurse i m! i had nothing to do with the "takenning" of my hair :dunno: its no not like i have a say here (as if i was in bad shape i could blame myself to a certain extant.. your helpless to blading, you done nothing to "deserve" it and you cant reverse it...)
iwantperfection said:
Has it driven anyone to suceed in life?
iwantperfection said:
Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair?
Hell yeah, i used to be an arrugant teenager, i think it gave me a taste of "real life" too soon too fast.

uncomfortable man

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Hairloss is tuff because it puts us at odds with our own vanity.


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The only thing I can say for sure is that it lowered my standards when it comes to dating....


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Yes, hairloss is very tough, but not the end of the world. You should throw your hat away and work on changing your mind set and character Uman. Easier said than done, granted, but how long have you been bald now?

I'm a NW3V, but currently a NW4 after my transplant 5 weeks ago. I'm currently balder than ever, but one step back ....

I've been walking around without my hat, noticed a few people look at my head, but i've felt no different. If you imagine a problem, then that problem becomes real.

Has it affected your love life?

To begin with negatively, but this was because of the damage hair loss did to my self esteem. Now it makes no difference, and my current girlfriend LOVES long hair on men.

She does not know i've had a H/T, she basically thinks my hair is on the way out, and i've even grown a beard...I basically look worse than ever and our relationship is getting stronger all the time.

Has your personality changed negatively/positively?

Again, negatively to begin with as I struggled to deal with male pattern baldness, but overall it's been character building, made me stronger, but ultimately i'd say no change.

Have you been persecuted/victimised?

Not really, took a good ribbing from friends that seemed to go a bit to far at times.

Have doors closed for you?

Only the ones i've closed

Do people treat you different?

Not really, maybe got more attention from people when I had great hair, looks etc...

Are you bitter?[/b]


Has it driven anyone to suceed in life?

Not sure yet, if my transplant fails entirely and i'm left with worse hair than before and a strip scar down my head, i'll be pretty upset, but it would a spur to stop concentrating on superficial matters and apply myself to things of substance. It would spur me on to work harder, learn more, and make more effort in personal development.

I guess this comes back to another thread about compensating for baldness, and i'd compensate by being better all round. In fact i'd probably end up being a better person if I did lose all my hair. It's people's failures and insecurities that either make them or break them.


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Has it affected your love life?
Never really had one to begin with, definitely won't have one now.
Has your personality changed negatively/positively?
Personality was always a little dark/cynical, probably a bit more so now.
Have you been persecuted/victimised?
Have doors closed for you?
Yes, but its all my doing. Its not like I was a model or an actor or something. I had very low self esteem and low confidence to start with, now I have none.
Do people treat you different?
Are you bitter?
Has it driven anyone to suceed in life?
The opposite. I was on a decent path before this. Not great, never was going to be extremely successful, but I had a good plan that has been completely derailed.
Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair?
No. I have a friend with alopecia universalis, never made fun of hairloss before this. I think "minorities" may be the wrong choice of words there. It sort of implies that you used to be racist or something, and now that you're bald you're not.


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iwantperfection said:
This is a topic for everyone. How has hairloss affected your life and what do you think the future holds for you? Is it a different path to the one you would have walked down with hair?

Has it affected your love life?
Has your personality changed negatively/positively?
Have you been persecuted/victimised?
Have doors closed for you?
Do people treat you different?
Are you bitter?
Has it driven anyone to suceed in life?
Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair?

- Im socially paralized. Dont go outside the door. Dont meet people. Only when I really have to. Everything is a HUGE challenge for me nowadays.

- My personality is there except I cant show it to people anymore. I guess I have to say YES.

- Victimised? Yes, thats also why I have developed social phobia-

- Not yet, but if I dont start changing now they WILL this year.

- YES! Maybe that is cause I treat myself different, It kinda makes sense that way.

- I`m bitter 24/7. Also when Im sleeping.

- Absolutely, but it goes up and down. ALLA THE f*****g TIME. Like a never stopping roller-coaster.

- NO, under no circumstances.


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Has it affected your love life?
Not at all i've got a girlfriend.

Has your personality changed negatively/positively?
Yes its changed my personality i've become aggressive whilst pre male pattern baldness i wasnt aggressive at all.

Have you been persecuted/victimised?
Nope, not yet, but i have a bit of temper so that might put people off.

Have doors closed for you?
Only doors that have closed are the ones i have closed myself from this depression.

Do people treat you different?
Not that i can tell, but maybe

Are you bitter?
Yes, but not as much now as i once was.

Has it driven anyone to suceed in life?
It has in a way, i have a desire to compensate for this personal flaw by making
myself a stronger and more successfull person through life. Since i cant have joy in the looks department im looking into joys in professional success. If anything its opened up a stronger part of my personality i didnt have prevously because i was shy, lazy and comfortable with myself.

Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair?
Its changed my views on mocking those with flaws they can't do nothing about, but then again maybe i have just grown up.


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Has it affected your love life?


Has your personality changed negatively/positively?

Yes. Due to a scalp condition i became too much depressive and negative.

Have you been persecuted/victimised?

Yes. In times i had the scalp condition.

Have doors closed for you?

I closed the relation doors with most people.

Do people treat you different?


Are you bitter?

Not now. But i was.

Has it driven anyone to suceed in life?

Dont know what you mean. Is it our success? I have excelent conditions to succeed in professional terms. As social terms no!

Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair?



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I think my hair loss has had a lot of positive effects on me. I've matured a lot, started living a healthier lifestyle, and I'm in better shape physically.

My hairloss right now is NW2-2.5, see through all over the top under lighting, and I have some deep scarring at my swirl which looks like a bald spot. I've also been getting a lot of white hairs. Not super bad, but worse than the people I see at university. Strangely I got a bunch of comments 3 years ago when my hair loss was starting, but haven't had any comments in over 2 years even though my hair is clearly worse. In fact since becoming much happier and more relaxed over the last year, I really haven't encountered any sort of problems socially.

I'm getting laid a lot more than I used to as well. I never really had problems to begin with, but it's a lot easier now. Last time I went out it took me 30 minutes before I got invited back to a girls house. I've also run into a few girls I haven't seen in a couple years, and they've brought up out of the blue how much more attractive I am now. I'm beginning to think that baldness might be attractive to a lot of women on some instinctive level, although it's evidently socially faux pas in today's youth culture. I keep my hair fairly short to make sure my face still looks balanced. I usually buzz it to 1/4" or less and let it grow out for a month or so. I go on here a lot of times and read that you need a certain head shape or facial features to pull off super short/shaved hair. I'm pale, I have a huge nose and ears, and a smaller than average chin. If you look at famous actors or athletes, you'll notice that facial structure and skin tone have very little to do with pulling off a shaved head well. For example Kelly Slater and Yul Brynner both have fairly large ears, and nobody would mind looking like them. The key part of looking good is very low bodyfat. Without hair, you really need your facial structure to show through in order to still look interesting and distinct. High bodyfat and a shaved head and you will look very plain and boring unless you really have impeccable clothing style and body language. I also don't believe a lot of muscle is important for looking good with a shaved head, as many seem to believe.

I don't come on here a lot anymore, but figured I should write down something positive and helpful since there's so much negativity on here. A lot of the misinformation on this board really fucked me up in the head for a year or so when I first started losing my hair. A lot of people here have created their own personal hell, and want to drag you in. If you want to be happy and sane, then it's in your best interests to avoid this section of the board, and stick to sections that deal with treatments.

My advice to people, based on my experiences with treatments, is to keep a simple regimen for maintenance, and then don't even worry about your hair. You have to understand on a deep level that you can have an amazing life if your hair is gone. So relax and develop a fun and meaningful life, and hopefully some of the stem cell research pans out so you can have all your hair back in 10 years or something.


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This is a topic for everyone. How has hairloss affected your life and what do you think the future holds for you? Is it a different path to the one you would have walked down with hair?

Has it affected your love life? I only date bald women now
Has your personality changed negatively/positively? I have become a negative balding maniac
Have you been persecuted/victimised? yes, but I'd rather not bring it up.
Have doors closed for you? Yes, many of the in my face.
Do people treat you different? I am treated like some kind of freak
Are you bitter? Yes, Yes I am.
Has it driven anyone to suceed in life? No, all bald people ultimatly fail miserably at all things in life.
Has it changed your opinions of minorities you may have mocked at when you had hair? Now I truly know how it is to be a victim of racism and hate criminology

uncomfortable man

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Baldnative wrote in another thread
Your attitude defines you. Drop the victim mentality.
From the sound of it, you have been victimized too. Attitude is important but like confidence, I think it is overrated as people tend to go by what they can see. I remember waiting at the bus stop without my hat on and I notice these two mexican guys accross the street pointing and laughing at me. I wasn't doing anything unusual to draw attention to myself or anything that attitude could was my bald head-it is a beacon for ridicule. It doesn't matter if I keep my back straight and my shoulders back and smile at every person I see, it won't keep them from thinking any differently about me or my bald head.